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CFS (Center for Food Safety) challenging FDA approval of GMO Alfalfa

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Politicians make way for Syngenta GMO corn to be planted this spring

On the heels of significant financial contributions by Syngenta, a Swiss based bio/ag corporation, to high ranking officials in the US House of Representatives Agricultural Committee, the USDA has removed restrictions allowing genetically modified (GMO) corn seed to be planted in the upcoming spring.  Details on the money spent by Syngenta can be found here at this link,   .


SunRidge Farms, Inc. diligently works to source raw materials that are non-GMO and makes every effort to produce products that are GMO free.  Please visit the non GMO project at, to learn more about the concerns that GMO products are generating.

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SunRidge Farms announces Solar Expansion

SunRidge Farms is pleased to announce that we are moving from a 99kW Solar Panel System to Estimated 500kW Solar Energy Production System.  Construction will begin in the spring of 2011.  When completed, SunRidge Farms will be removing over one million pounds of carbon emissions annually from the environment.  Check back often for updates on the progress of construction.

SunRidge Farms is committed to providing healthier foods and a healthier environment.   When you buy SunRidge Farms’ products, you are sharing in that commitment and we appreciate your support.

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Bulk Is Green offers some tips for Whole Foods Shoppers

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SunRidge Farms announces HealthyGO snacks

SunRidge Farms is pleased to announce our new ‘HealthyGO’ snacks. Selections include some our most popular mixes and blends as well as the amazing new Rainbow Drops. The one ounce packages provide a convenient and healthier way to snack and are perfect for the purse, briefcase, or kids lunchbox. If you’d like to get more information or would like to buy leave us a message here,

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Berries and Chocolate Antioxidant Mix receives Editors Pick from Diet and Nutrition Magazine

In the December issue of Diet and Nutrition Magazine, SunRidge Farms’ Berries and Chocolate Antioxidant Mix received an Editor’s Pick.  Visit your grocer’s bulk section and pick some up.  If you’d like to try it prepackaged, it’s not up on the website yet but you can contact us directly using our contact page and we’ll take your order.  Here’s a link to the story in Diet and Nutrition,


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Supporting the Local Homeless

Many of us saw the story on Ted Williams, the homeless former radio announcer, who has earned a second chance in his field with MSNBC after a viral media run took place after an interview with a journalist in Columbus, Ohio. Here’s a link to that story:

There are many others, including families, that need the same type of luck to happen for them. In every community there are organizations that dedicate themselves to this concern. One of these is the Homeless Services Center in Santa Cruz. Falcon Trading Company is pleased to contribute to this organization which hosted the 2010 Harriet & John Deck Holiday Party and raised almost $170,000 to support the emergency and transitional services utilized by homeless families and individuals in our community. We’re grateful to be in the position to donate and encourage others with the means to support their local Homeless Services Center to ensure that those truly in need are able to access these programs. To learn more about the Santa Cruz organization visit

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Berries and Chocolate Antioxidant Mix review from LeafyGreen

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Berries and Chocolate Antioxidant Mix – 1% of sales goes to Defenders of Wildlife