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If you want to be able to look at the label and know what’s in your food – READ THIS

The US House of Representatives is on track for a vote this week on the DARK Act.  Here’s what this legislation would do –

The “Denying Americans the Right-to-Know” (DARK) Act would:

  • Preempt states from requiring labeling of GMO food.
  • Preempt states from regulating GMO crops to protect public health and the environment.
  • Virtually eliminate FDA’s ability to craft a national GMO labeling system.
  • Codify the current, broken voluntary labeling system.
  • Create a GMO “safety” review system based on industry science.
  • Allow “natural” foods to contain GMO ingredients.

Americans want the Right to Know:

  • Polls show 90% of Americans support labeling of GMO food.
  • Bogus “natural” claims have created enormous consumer confusion about GMOs.
  • 64 nations require labeling including Russia, China, the EU, and important trading partners in Asia.
  • More than 1.4 million Americans have joined a petition urging FDA to require labeling of GMO food.
  • Hundreds of food companies urged President Obama to honor his pledge to require GMO labeling.

Dispelling GMO Labeling Myths:

  • GMO labeling will not increase food pricesCompanies frequently change labels to highlight new innovations.
  • Voluntary labeling will not work. Companies have been allowed to make voluntary non-GMO disclosures since 2001, but consumers are more confused than ever.
  • GMO crops do not feed the world. Conventional

    and GMO corn and soybean yields have increased at the same rate. What’s

    more, U.S. farmers produce only 4% of rice, wheat, fruits, and

    vegetables, and most US corn and soybeans are used for animal feed and

    ethanol, not food.
  • GMO crops have increased herbicide applications. Expanding

    the use of GMO crops has increased annual applications of glyphosate – a

    probable human carcinogen – from 16 million pounds to more than 280

    million pounds.
  • GMO crops have led to more toxic herbicides. As

    weeds have become resistant to glyphosate, farmers have turned to more

    toxic weed killers linked to cancer, Parkinson’s disease and

    reproductive problems.
  • GMO crops have not reduced soil erosion.

    Adoption of soil-conserving farm practices were made in response to

    “conservation compliance” provisions of the 1985 Farm Bill, not GMO


Take action now!

Americans need to tell their members of Congress to stop the DARK Act

from becoming law and demand support for mandatory GMO labeling.  Contact your US Representative TODAY!! 

SunRidge Farms supports mandatory GMO labeling because we believe you should know what is in your food.

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Anti GMO labeling measure passes House committee

Anti-GMO labeling interests received a boost when a House of Representatives committee voted to push a measure to the full House that would make it illegal for local and State governments to implement their own GMO labeling rules.  Here’s the latest on this issue – read more

SunRidge Farms supports the elimination of GMO’s and the mandatory labeling of the use of GMO’s in food.  There is rhetoric on both sides of the battle so we urge you to research and involve yourself in better understanding the foods you eat.

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Food and chemical industry spends millions on PR to attack organic, defend GMOs

In the last four years alone, industrial food and chemical corporations have set up six new

front groups who often appear as independent experts in the media, but

are in fact made up of industry or PR professionals. These groups push

coordinated industry messages in order to win critical national policy

battles and convince consumers about the safety of industrial food.

Why don’t they fight the battle under their own names??  Here’s a detailed report that shows the tactics and the money spent to try and stop consumers increasing demand for organic and NonGMO foods rather than spend that money working towards more sustainable agriculture.

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SunRidge Farms is exhibiting at the Summer Fancy Food Show in New York City

In ten days, SunRidge Farms will be in New York City exhibiting our latest creations and our familiar favorites.  We’ll be in booth 4174 at the Javits Center, June 28-30 2015.  

Sample our first in category All Natural Fair Trade Chocolate items, our new Chimayo Chile items, Greek Yogurt Raisins, Sea Salt and Vinegar Almonds, and a plethora of trail mixes, candies, nuts, seeds, and dried fruits.

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Food Firms Ordered to Cut All Trans Fat in Three Years

What won’t you find in SunRidge Farms products?  Trans Fat!  That’s been our way for over 30 years as we knew trans fats were not healthy.  Beginning in 2018 food companies will have to apply with the FDA before they can use trans fats in any products.  The FDA says now that the ingredient should no longer be assumed to be safe.  Here’s the full story from The USA Today –

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45% of Americans aware of excessive food waste in the USA

Food waste is rampant in the USA.  Around 40% of our food is thrown away or wasted.  Almost half of us are now aware that we’re wasting this much food which is both good news and bad news.  We’re aware but unaware of what to do.  Here’s a story from the Christian Science Monitor on this problem –

SunRidge Farms has been at the forefront of this awareness for over 30 years.  We heavily emphasize bulk foods as they reduce packaging waste, allow for purchase of only what you need and will consume, and saves money since you’re not wasting as much.  Even our plastic bags used for bulk purchases are not only recyclable but biodegradable.  Our packaged products are resealable helping to maintain freshness and are recyclable.  Let’s work together to reduce food waste.

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SunRidge Farms offers the first all natural line of Fair Trade Chocolate Candy in Bulk!

SunRidge Farms is pleased to announce that we have a full line of Fair Trade Chocolate candy in bulk.  This is a first in this category and is an important step in ensuring that we respect the entire process of growing, harvesting, and producing foods in an ethical manner.  For more on see the following from Gourmet Retailer on this and many other new items in the candy category from other companies too!

To purchase Fair Trade Chocolates online, please click the link here to reach our online store –