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Perfect Valentine’s Day treats from SunRidge Farms

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Welcome to the New Year

Welcome to the New Year.  SunRidge Farms invites you to explore a lifestyle that includes a mindfulness into health, sustenance, and balance that we strive for.  Our conduit to this effort are the foods we offer and the care and effort that goes into providing you the best.  Stringent sourcing protocols committed to sustainability, solar power in our factories, paying our team members to bike to work, offering a majority of our items in bulk, onsite yoga and exercise rooms, spirited and innovative R&D, BPA free packaging, and a wonderful location on the central coast of California combine to give you the foods you deserve in a manner that respects people and the environment. 

If you are already one of our customers, thank you.  If not, won’t you give us a try and see for yourself how good ‘lifestyle’ can taste. 

SunRidge Farms products can be found in many of your favorite grocers bulk foods section.   Ask for us by name.

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7 Ways Buying Organic Can Save You Money

Organic food prices often carry a premium at the store, but that isn’t always the case.  From Fox News comes this story –

In addition, though not mentioned in the story, the organic items that they mention as costing less are still packaged.  If they had gone to the bulk foods aisle they could have found many more items that are organic that cost less simply by taking the packaging out of the equation.  Take the time to shop in bulk to find organic foods AND save money.

SunRidge Farms is a leading provider of bulk foods nationwide. 

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How the US can grow Organic Farming

5% of total food sales are organic though only about 1% of acreage in the USA is dedicated to organic farming.  We owe it to ourselves to change this but what can be done?  Here are some ideas from an article in Supermarket News –

SunRidge Farms is dedicated to sustainable agriculture and other efforts in sustainability for our planet and our people. 

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Fair Trade Cocoa making a difference in reducing child slave labor!

It’s sobering to think that enjoying a chocolate candy bar might contribute to children’s slave labor but until recently that was likely the case.  Kudos to the Fair Trade organizations and major chocolate candy suppliers who have spent the past decade working with farmers, governments, and supply chains to reshape the cocoa industry.  Here’s a story from the Christian Science Monitor that offers more insight –

SunRidge Farms has always been committed to sourcing sustainable and ethical cocoa.  In continuing this effort we’ve expanded our Fair Trade Cocoa offerings in both organic and all natural.  When shopping, look for SunRidge Farms in the bulk foods section and know that your purchases are helping to provide education and better conditions to the farmers who make it possible for us to enjoy our wonderful confections.

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Read the new FDA labeling guidance and comment now!

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has proposed new guidance for food manufacturers regarding the labeling of genetically modified or bio engineered foods.  Please share the following link with your friends and family and take the time to comment.

The FDA needs constructive comments from the public who have researched this issue thoroughly who can help provide clear distinctions to the general public as to the merit of certain aspects of bio engineering and genetic modification.  There is a significant difference in asserting that a crop that has the gene of a bacteria inserted in it to produce it’s own insecticide has the same desirable characteristics of another crop which was selected for it’s flavor trait and bred with another strain of the same crop to get more of the flavor trait passed to the new strait, yet the rules being proposed would not make that distinction.  Take the time to make sure that the FDA hears these concerns and to share that it’s not just the crop’s final composition that is important but how the crop got there in the first place.  Not all genetic modification is equal. 

SunRidge Farms supports efforts to encourage research on the safety of GMO’s, the environmental impact of how they are grown, and methods to decrease food waste, and efforts to improve the distribution of food throughout the world so that hunger can be eliminated globally.

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Holiday Wow Gift Box

Ready to send the gift of great food to your friends and family this holiday season?  The SunRidge Farms Holiday Wow Gift Box is a delectable collection of trail mixes, confections, dried fruit, and nut&seeds that will more than satisfy your holiday guests!  Take advantage now of $10 off the regular price and FREE SHIPPING when you buy 2 or more gift boxes.  That’s right, for less than $100 you’ll have gift box for yourself and another for friends and family.  Add on any other items to your 2+ gift box order and free shipping applies to all items.  Order now with promo code ‘wow2015’.

Click here to take you directly to the gift box order page!

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It Was a Fall Party in My Mouth – Reviewer raves over Green Tea Chai Vanilla Almonds

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Herbicide finding intensifies battle over GMO labeling

Glyphosate, the main ingredient in the weed killer/herbicide Roundup, has been declared a probable carcinogen which adds another element into efforts to label GMO’s.  Here’s a well written story in the Connecticut Mirror that details this discussion very clearly.

SunRidge Farms supports the farming of NonGMO crops and use of sustainable farming practices to ensure future generations of the ability to grow safe foods for all of us.