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Monsanto and others hire new PR agency and launch websites to spread ‘the truth’

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NY Times poll shows overwhelming support for labeling of GMO’s

Whatever your stance is regarding GMO’s this poll makes it very clear that Americans just want their food labeled.  Simply put, Monsanto and others involved in GM products should just say OK, we support labeling since that is what people want.  They can continue to develop their products and we, as consumers, can choose to buy them or not.  What are they afraid of???

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Monsanto wins again – US raises allowable levels of company’s pesticide in crops

We wanted to publicize this latest bit of information on Monsanto and help people be aware of how integrated this company is with the US government and that this relationship is allowing poisons to be increased in our food supply.  Read the article here:

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Kansas Farmer Sues Monsanto Over GM Wheat

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European Union urges testing of US Wheat Exports

Here’s the story on the EU’s decision to test all imported wheat, following Japan’s cancellation of current orders of US Wheat,

The potential economic impact of Monsanto’s illegal strain of wheat found growing in Oregon is another reason that our seed supply and crop methods should not be under the influence of just a small number of companies.  Whether or not you agree with the concerns over GMO’s, the fact that a strain of wheat that shouldn’t exist DOES in fact exist raises significant concerns over all GM crops and our ability to keep some Non-GMO seeds and crops in existence.