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The incredible environmental cost of growing corn in the USA

The Associated Press has put together a story that ties together ‘green’ energy from corn produced ethanol and significant environmental damage.  Though this story relates to alternative energy production it touches on Monsanto and Dow Chemical’s role in corn production which has helped fuel this effort regardless of consequences.  Here’s the full story –

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Margin of defeat still narrowing in Washington

While it still appears that I 522 will come up a bit short in Washington, the vote is around 52%No to 48%Yes, that margin is narrowing as final votes are counted in the exclusive mail in format that Washington State uses.  Let’s hope it narrows further and that we continue to fight this battle so that the foods we produce will impacted positively both from the environmental perspective as well as a health perspective.  See more here –

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Washington State will probably fall short in mandating GMO labeling

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Non-GMO labeling Webinar November 7th, 2013

Today is the last day for Washington State voters to send in their ballot.  One major decision based on GMO labeling that impacts the nation, I-522, will be made.   To learn more –

Please join the United Natural Products Alliance for this breaking news webinar: From Washington to Washington: The Mandate for Non-GMO Labeling, on Thursday, Nov. 7, 2013, 10 a.m. MST.

To register for the webinar, please visit

Here’s more information –

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Only 5 individuals have contributed to the No on I 522 campaign!

If anything is telling in Washington State’s I-522 campaign for labeling of GMO’s it’s the fact that ONLY 5 individuals have contributed to the No side.  All of the other $21+Million has come from corporations, and a majority of that from only a handful of companies.  That should be the only information a rational citizen of the state should need to make a decision to vote the other way next Tuesday.  Please see through the smoke screens attempting to discredit the initiative; VOTE YES ON I-522.  Good luck Washington!

See the article here –

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New park in Pajaro opening in December

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Internal email and memos demonstrate GMA’s efforts to launder labeling opponents donations

Attorney General Bob Ferguson of Washington State is pursuing a lawsuit against the Grocery Manufactures Association (GMA) for trying to avoid campaign disclosure laws by laundering member donations.  Internal emails clearly show the strategy of the opponents which was to fight state efforts for labeling at any cost.  By laundering member donations the GMA hoped to shield these corporations from consumer backlash.  Follow this story here –

Let those companies know that you don’t appreciate underhanded and illegal tactics to try and sway voters.  Stop buying their products and send a message.  If you know someone who lives in Washington State, please encourage them to vote YES on I-522 to send even a stronger message.

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Academic and Activist urges Yes on I 522

Tomorrow’s vote in Washington regarding the labeling of GMO’s marks the next step in the battle over our food.  We wish the citizens of Washington the very best as they go to the polls.  In this article, Phil Bereano of the University of Washington outlines his concerns over GMO’s and why a YES on I 522 vote makes sense.   Phil Bereano, professor emeritus of technical

communication at the University of Washington, is an expert on the

ethical and social aspects of technology, and co-founder of AGRA-Watch,

which opposes the Gates Foundation’s work on genetically engineered

crops in Africa.  Here’s his article –
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Opponents of I-522 in Washington now have raised over $21 Million

It’s important to follow the money in order to better understand who is trying to keep GMO labeling from being approved by the voters in Washington State.  Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, CocaCola, PepsiCo, Nestle are a few of the huge names in food that are going out of their way to defeat I-522.   We’ll know in another week if their efforts were successful or if voters in Washington will step up and decide that they have changed the world.   Here’s a story on the money and where it’s coming from.  See for yourself –

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AP report links Monsanto chemicals to birth defects; disease in Argentina

Argentina went all in with Monsanto and GMO’s over a decade ago and now the negative health impact has been linked to the Monsanto’ chemicals.  The Associated Press just released their report and the story is here –