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How do you store your bulk foods?

You’ve done your research; you know that buying bulk foods will save you money and it’s a much greener habit than buying packaged foods.  That first walk down the aisle with all the bins seems a bit daunting but you gamely load up various bags with trail mix, granola, pasta, and some dried fruit.  Upon arriving home, you face the only real dilemma….where do you store your new bulk purchases?  Good question…let’s see if we can help.

First off, the bins at the store really aren’t great storage devices.  Typically they are too big and cumbersome for home use.  We really recommend glass jars with screw tops or clamps.  It’s even better if the glass is clear so you can see what it is that you have stored in the jar.  Keep them on the counter and visible so you are encouraged to use what you’ve purchased.  One of the most common practices is taking old pasta sauce jars, pickle jars, etc. cleaning and sterilizing them and recycling as bulk food storage.  Another green solution is to visit your local thrift store and find all kinds of storage bin treasures that will add ambiance to your kitchen and pantry and give you exactly what you need to keep you in bulk.

The Bulk is Green Council wants to help educate you on bulk foods.  Visit their site and find out even more about why bulk is the right choice. Bulk is Green Council

Get Creative in the Kitchen with Bulk Foods