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Fuel your adventure with SunRidge Farms this Fall! Find this months promo code here for 20% online orders.

The approach of autumn isn’t the end of summer fun.  Let’s stay active and embrace the slight chill in the air and sunlight that fades a little earlier each day.  Staying active requires fueling the body and that’s where we at SunRidge Farms come in.  Trail mixes, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and granola all provide easy to carry and nourishing sustenance for adventures of all types, from taking the kids to the Halloween store or pumpkin patch, enjoying  full moon stand up paddling sessions, or taking those treks in the hills that were too grueling in the summer heat.  The fall brings us tailgates, homework, homecoming, and yard work.  Those adventures need fuel too!

Take advantage of the changing of the seasons for 20% online orders by using promo code ‘ autumn2016 ‘.

Post a picture of your SunRidge Farms fueled adventure on Facebook or Instagram by October 15  and we’ll pick a lucky contributor or two and send them a gift box for participating.


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SunRidge Farms – entering the digital age of organic and all natural foods

If you stop by our website frequently you’ve noticed something different during this visit…we’ve changed.  This is for the better, though we know it will cause some growing pains with our long term followers.  We’ve launched the site quietly as it’s as shocking to us as it is to the aforementioned long timers.  Please enjoy the significant improvements – you can use your phone or tablet as well as your computer; nutritional panel and ingredient information is front and center;  and increased accessibility to our vast selection of items – that will aid you in your pursuit of a healthier lifestyle through organic and all natural foods.

If you find a broken link, have trouble checking out, or have any other questions please use our ‘contact us’ feature.  We’ll be able to resolve most website issues within 24-72 hours.  Our image library is being updated in the background so check back frequently to see our products in detail.

Thanks so much for your support of SunRidge Farms.  Welcome to our digital leap forward; help us share our mutual values and interests by joining and liking us on Facebook and Instagram.



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Trail Mix

It was 75 degrees in Santa Cruz last Sunday and the urge to dust off the camping and backpacking gear was too great to resist. I pulled it all out and began to go through everything to see what was needed for the coming season. Fortunately, it looks as if all the gear is in tip top shape and I only need to pick up some more bear spray and small propane cartridges for the stove and it’s go time. Oh yeah, and to load up on SunRidge Farms Trail Mix and other SunRidge Farms mixes for snacking on the trail and at the campsite. My stand by has always been the Organic Hit the Trail Mix, which simply tastes great and provides all the energy I need when hiking. This year, however, I’m going to make an effort to bring many different types of SunRidge Farms mixes. NonGMO Project verified Cranberry Harvest Mix combines dark chocolate chips with organic cranberries, organic peanuts, organic pumpkin and sunflower seeds, organic raisins, almonds, and apples. That’s a great breakfast coupled with hot tea or coffee or a solid lunch while taking a break from the trail. Our Tropical Trail Mix gives you a fruit emphasis in your trail mix with raisins, dates, papaya, pineapple and banana combined with sunflower seeds, almonds, peanuts, and coconut chips. These are but two of the many trail mixes we offer and doesn’t even touch the creations you can make yourself buy visiting the bulk section in your nearest grocery and deciding for yourself what constitutes healthier snacking excellence. Start making these mixes part of your everyday diet and you’ll find that trail mixes are not limited to the hike.

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Getting better at buying in bulk!

The conversion from a standard grocery store shopper to a more disciplined and careful BULK grocery shopper has taken time but the results are clearly positive. We’re eating better foods, snacking less, and reducing our waste impact. The really great thing is that in the bulk shopping I’m talking about doesn’t require me to buy 10 lbs. of pasta to get my savings like warehouse bulk buying requires. If we’re having pasta for dinner I can buy 12 oz. in bulk instead of a prepackaged 16 oz box knowing that we only eat 12 oz. and likely throw the rest away. Instead of a box of cookies to have around for snacking or dessert, we’ll buy some SunRidge Farms Peanut Butter Power Chews and put them in an old spaghetti sauce jar to stay fresh and snack on those. Hearty and filling, they are made with much better ingredients than the typical box of cookies. The only packaging for these Chews is the recyclable bag used from the bulk bin counter which means that waste is very limited ( no paperboard box, plastic cookie tray, or plastic wrap ). Better foods seem to be more satisfying too! My younger boy will simply grab one or two power chews and that seems to do the trick, whereas previously he’d put the box of cookies on the coffee table and snack without thinking.

Instead of a candy bar, he’ll grab a piece of dried Mango, a handful of banana chips, or some Dark Chocolate Coconut chews from a jar too. Again, no waste and he’s eating better and we’ve spent less money.

Give it a shot for 30 days! See what you can do to improve your eating habits by buying great foods in bulk. You’ll be surprised how much you like it but I won’t!

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Holiday treats from SunRidge Farms

The kids are soon finished with school prior to the Christmas break which means they will be running around the house, going out to play, and winding themselves up right through Christmas Eve. After the excitement Christmas morning, they’ll start all over again trying to get as much fun stuff in before they have to go back. Why fuel their fire with junk candy and unhealthy treats?

We have a suggestion! Introduce them to bulk foods and snacks available from SunRidge Farms. Visit your favorite grocery store and let the kids pick out some new treats that will have them thinking a little differently. You’ll find that they will have plenty to choose from and that the kids will love to be involved in picking what they will eat. From roasted cashews and mixed nuts, dried fruits, trail mixes, and yes…healthier candies they and you will find a way to keep their hustle and bustle from being fueled by refined sugars. If you want to stuff their stockings with snacks, visit and mix/match 12 packages of these wonderful snacks and receive free shipping on your order. It really is worth it!

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GMO debate rages on…no clear answer in sight…or is there?

It appears that Washington State voters weren’t prepared to be the labeling initiators for GMO foods.  I-522 currently trails in the voting results that have been announced so far and it’s unlikely that further returns will be enough to pass the measure.   While disappointing to those of us who vigorously support labeling of GMO’s, we have to realize how far we’ve come in making people aware of the concerns of GMO’s in a relatively short time and that this is when those that are concerned must reach deep and continue to push.  Having closely observed both the California and Washington campaigns we’ve learned exactly how the companies that stand to gain from the status quo will attack these measures and what information they use to ‘muddy the waters’.   Therein lies the path that will back these companies into a corner.   How clear is this path?  Well the first steps are pretty clear as certain cards have been played in both campaigns.   Language of the Initiative, Research ( or lack thereof ), and economic impact are three of the ‘hot’ buttons that the NO campaigns utilized to confuse, mislead, and misinform the voters.   In a soundbite environment it was very easy to pick apart the initiatives with half truths and propaganda.  In attacking the language, opponents emphasized exemptions ( alcohol, restaurant menus, etc.) regardless of the reasons why.  In attacking research, they discredited independent studies and touted theirs, despite the fact that they restrict independent research and limit study of their own inventions to very short periods of time.  In attacking economic impact, they emphasized the costs of labeling and reformulating as being prohibitive which as anyone in the food business really knows is an absolute standard cost of being in that business.  The trouble for the average consumer is that they don’t know these things and the soundbite ends up sounding convincing since it’s presented as fact in context versus fact in reality.  Couple that with the pro labeling groups also being guilty of missteps and it’s a recipe for the recent voting results.   Those missteps include attacking science without credible science to back up the assertions and attacking the wrong science, getting caught up in arguing rhetoric, and not focusing on education and facts.  For example, though the YES campaigns tried to focus on just the labeling, activists routinely discussed safety of GMO’s and presented anecdotal evidence at best of the safety concerns in relation to disease.  Yes, many of us can see the correlation between disease rates and the introduction of GMO’s but since the studies have not been done, the ‘science’ is murky at best.  What we do have science on, however, is the negative environmental impact that the planting of GMO crops is causing.   This is an area that the Non-GMO activists need to focus on.  Claims that GMO’s will feed the world’s population can be discounted with the science that’s available too.  Food production under any guise produces enough food to feed the world, however the infrastructure to get it there doesn’t exist.  That’s factual and verifiable and another area to attack, especially when you look at the profits of Monsanto, Dow, and Bayer.  IF they were truly in it for the right reasons, they would be doing everything they could to fund the infrastructure to get foods to the people that really need it.  Since US law favors the shareholder, these companies won’t do that since it would impact their quarterly numbers and it’s easier to spend a few million to defeat a measure than do the right thing.

If you think about it, the GMO fight really is about the future of the USA and it’s standing around the globe.  Companies like Monsanto are creating a distrust of business on top of a growing and existing unease with our government and congressional leaders.   That’s an economic impact that goes beyond what foods we’re eating.   What’s worse is that if only these companies and our elected officials would change how they act we might not even be in this discussion at all.   Whatever side of the table you sit, this is something we can all agree on.

Language of the initiatives has been a target of the No labeling group.  One common themed argument has been the alcohol ‘exempt’ language.  The No side makes it sound like ‘how is this possible?’ and ‘if we label we have to label everything’ in order to make it clear.  How about food in a restaurant, pet food, meats, etc.  If, everything regarding labeling were cut and dry, it would be easy to write language which encompasses these ambiguities, but with federal laws or regulatory agencies having different rules the initiatives are written in compliance with those requirements.  In a 60 second spot it’s much easier to malign or mislead than educate which means that more education is necessary and that takes money and time.  Perhaps some of that education is starting in this missive.

Another successful tactic of the No group involves the ‘economic impact’ to the consumer.  Claims that food prices would go up and that every family would be negatively impacted were in every ad presented by the No group yet this has been proven false time and time again.  As a food manufacturer, we’re constantly updating our products and packaging.  Do we want to?  Of course not because it does cost money yet it’s really out of our control.  For example, supplier x can’t keep up with demand for a certain type of almond and we have to adjust a formula in one of our mixes by adding a few more raisins and a few more cashews to keep our item in stock.  We have to change the nutritional panel, ingredient panel, bin label, case label, print new bags, etc.  It doesn’t matter if it’s GMO or not, we still have to change it.  That’s why the No argument carries no weight.  The cost to us was real but doesn’t translate into higher prices for you.  We have over 1300 items so it’s a full time thing (regardless of GMO labeling or not).  Note that this example covers reformulation too so that argument has no merit.   For the No side it’s an easy scare tactic with TV ads.

So, where do the Non-GMO folks go from here?  This is still a peoples issue.  Education, education, education will get us there.  Many companies are becoming aware and realizing that their brands are at risk without change.  We, the people, still hold the cards and if we play them correctly, the end of GMO’s is a real possibility, not just the labeling but the elimination.



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The GMO debate – why is it so hard to figure out?

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s) – are they good? and/or are they bad?  This debate is raging in the public realm right now as California voters narrowly defeated a measure to label them in California (Prop 37) last year and Washington State voters are about to decide if they will be the first of the states to adopt a formal labeling requirement.   Trying to understand what the ‘right’ thing to do is very difficult as propaganda and murky science seem to rule the day.  Both ‘sides’ of the debate use the murky science and propaganda to further their respective agendas as to whether or not GMO’s should be labeled, are or aren’t safe, and what information is credible and what is not.   What makes it even more difficult is when both sides try to use the available information fit their stance on the issue which further muddies the water.   For example, whether or not GMO’s are safe is an irrelevant argument when it comes to discussing Initiative 522 in Washington.  That legislation is strictly regarding labeling and how the consumer would be informed as to whether or not a food item contains genetically modified ingredients.  Both the Yes and No side have digressed from this basic issue to introduce ‘safety’ with the supporters declaring GMO’s unsafe and proponents declaring that ‘science’ has proven these foods ‘safe’.   This leads to further debate since truly independent research on GMO’s is very limited to non-existent and industry provided research and study into the safety of GMO’s has only been provided by the companies that produce these crops and their seeds AND they only allow research on their products that is approved by them under the protocols they want.  Regardless, in relation to I-522 those arguments should be left out of the debate because clearly neither side has enough real information to declare an absolute.

The next issue is ‘trust’.  What and who do we trust?  Whose agenda (hidden or not) should we pay attention to?  Why would the Grocery Manufacturers Association try and hide the names of the companies that contributed money to defeat I-522?   Do these companies fear some type of consumer revolt if found out that they supported the defeat of this measure?  It certainly seems plausible especially when coupled against the backdrop of our recent US history with a clear distrust of Wall Street, big business, and government, or do they really fear exceptional costs when having to reformulate foods using Non-GMO ingredients?  Perhaps both, however, if not for the predisposed lack of ethics demonstrated by these companies and the elected representatives we might actually have reason to believe them.  Unfortunately for them, cynicism is ruling the day, though companies like Monsanto have only themselves and their corporate actions to blame.  What’s the solution?  The obvious one is to see these companies put some of their profits back into research that is conducted independently over a significant amount of time and having both sides accept the results – good or bad.  If bad, better to know now…if good, then that piece of the GMO argument goes away.  Is it relevant to labeling in Washington; not really but one more ‘cloud’ in the effort to make things unclear by opponents of the measure.

What about the environment?  How much dialogue is taking place regarding the impact of GMO’s on the planet?  The companies that produce the modified seeds (Monsanto, Dow, Bayer) claim that the environmental impacts are all positive.  In this case independent research has found that the impacts are not benign.  Resistant weeds and pests are becoming the norm and mono-crop planting has created soil problems.  The original touted benefits of less water, less herbicide, less pesticide, no longer are factual.  Not reassuring to say the least, but again not part of the measure in Washington.

Confused yet??  Welcome to the world of GMO’s.  One thing we can do to ‘clear the air’ is support I-522 in Washington and get the labeling requirement passed.  If you know that a food contains GMO’s and you consume it, that’s your choice and that’s to be respected.  Those that do not want GMO’s in their food should also be respected and should have an easy way to know.




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How much time is adequate for human safety trials?

Recently Monsanto and other chemical companies created a website that is supposed to ‘clear the air’ about Genetically Modified Organisms.  This new ‘transparency’ is an attempt at making these products easy to understand and to minimize any possibility that these foods might actually be detrimental to the human body.  However, the PR firm hired to create this website so far has yet to be identified.  Transparency??   Perhaps this PR firm is actually afraid of being identified, perhaps not…yet it stands to reason that fear of being associated publicly with Monsanto might not be so good for business.

So what does the above have to do with the human safety trials in the title?  For me it’s quite simple.  Rather than get caught up in the rhetoric that leads to so many ‘anti-science’ labels being placed on those opposed to GMO’s I want to push for the science.  The longest any study on humans that has been accomplished by these companies is 90 days.  If 90 days is enough for ‘science’ to be validated as to the safety of these transgenic crops then show all of us the rigorous peer reviewed evidence that this is the case.   I’m sure the tobacco companies would want to use this evidence regarding their products.  Simply put, the human body is too complex to understand the impact of these substances ( some of which have never existed in nature before ) in 90 days.   Now, many of these science advocates will say to me ‘these crops have been in the food chain since 1996’ and no one has been harmed.  Really?  Where is the science that supports that statement?  You see there isn’t any yet these same folks dispute any science that indicates their might be issues with these crops.  Usually it’s bad protocols, quack scientists, etc….

Crazy isn’t it?  All Monsanto, Dow, etc. had to do was fund long term safety trials (5,10,15,20 years)…then in 2016 we’d have quantified, qualified, documented, and defensible information as to the impact in humans regarding these foods.  I would much rather have a company that was trying to do good, find out that something they did wasn’t so great and do something about it.  That would send a message that we’re trying and we’ll keep trying to help this planet.  Instead, these companies refuse to move in that direction which breeds mistrust and disgust at what simply appears to be shareholder and management driven greed.  That’s disappointing and why so many of us simply don’t trust them.  It’s not anti-science, it’s common sense, which is where science originated.   On a personal note, a condition that I was diagnosed with in the mid 2000’s (about 10 years after I switched to a diet much heavier in vegetables like corn and meat substitutes like soy) could not be detected microscopically in my body at my most recent test.  What changes had I made??  I stopped eating GMO corn, soy and switched to certified organic foods for most of my diet in 2009.   The science folk will say this is just coincidence…sample size too small, etc. yet this condition is supposed to be incurable and what I did to remedy the situation was make the diet changes ( and ONLY those changes ) which is a controlled (scientific) approach which produced this result in my body.  Did I mention this condition had to do with my stomach/gut?  and what does the BT protein do to insects?  Oh yeah, explodes the gut to kill the insect…any parallels??  I stop the foods with that protein and my condition changes for the better??  and that’s not science??  That’s just being stubborn and closed minded which is exactly what a scientist is not supposed to be.

If Monsanto and others want to be ‘transparent’ it’s time to ensure long term human trials are conducted now and continued for the next 20 years and support labeling of their foods in the near term so that humans like myself can make the choice to avoid foods we don’t want.  It’s no different than me choosing not to smoke cigarettes.  Product is still there and if I wish to smoke, I can buy them.  I choose not too so I don’t.  Regardless, that’s a choice we all deserve.

For all of you so called science advocates – remember that shareholder concerns ALWAYS come first and that shareholder driven science is biased by profit and therefore isn’t rigorous science since it will be driven by the potential impact on the bottom line and not in the interests of the customer or the consumer.   It’s time to do what’s right even if it means less profit and earnings.  When I see a CEO step up and do that at a publicly traded company, that’s a company I’ll invest in.

In the meantime, please support efforts to label GMO’s.  At least have an idea of how much GMO’s have entered the food supply.  Monitor your health and if you are suffering from any condition or disease, try changing your diet to organic and just see what it does over a the course of a couple years.  Paying 10-20% more for your food might seem like a lot but if you don’t need as much medical attention, I can assure you that you’ll have more money in your pocket.


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We are a lifestyle company that just happens to sell really good foods!

It’s April 2013 and late last year we celebrated 30 years of business. The staff here at SunRidge Farms did an amazing job of finding photographs and attaching captions and stories on a timeline that covered one of the walls of our building so those of us who hadn’t been part of the entire journey could ‘see’ the beginning and follow that to our current status. It truly tells a wonderful story and emphasized how we truly are a lifestyle company that produces excellent foods. Wouldn’t that make us a food company? Well, there is no doubt that foods play an important role in our existence but it’s so much more than that. From our very first trail mix, the goal has not been so much about the food but how to allow a food to benefit our lifestyle choices. A better trail mix led to many other products (over 1300 now) that has provided the opportunity to build a company that can positively impact the lives of others as well as our own team. Almost 40% of our energy needs are now accomplished via solar, our delivery trucks utilize biodiesel, and our recycling and other environmental efforts are top notch so we’ve reduced our carbon footprint dramatically. By practicing what we preach we hope to exist well into our children’s children lifetimes so that when they look at the next timeline on the wall they can be just as amazed as we are while still being able to breathe clean air, drink clean water, and enjoy foods free from contamination. We can all agree that that’s a lifestyle we all want and we know that many of the choices we’ve made can be accomplished by almost EVERY other company out there. These choices don’t always equate on a short term dollar and cents basis but reflect doing the right thing for the future. Those are choices that we hope will set an example for others to copy and expand upon. As always, we appreciate our customers and suppliers and the support we’ve been given throughout the years. If you are new to SunRidge Farms, give us a look see and try some of our items. It’s not just a brand, it’s a lifestyle.

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Choosing to eat better one step at a time!

Welcome to 2013!  The New Year Resolutions are still fresh in our minds yet they can quickly fall by the wayside if we don’t keep some focus.  I kept mine a bit simpler this year so that I can continue this journey into better foods that started a couple of years ago.  Eating better has had additional benefits that were not my intention when I resolved to feed my family better that must be mentioned too, but first let’s look at how we can eat better.

We know that we need so many servings of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains to improve our diets.  We also know that we should reduce the amount of meat we consume too.  This has been drilled into us from elementary school on, yet this is only scratching the surface and may not really be as healthy as promoted.  Why is this?  From GMO crops to residual pesticides, many of the fruits and vegetables we are tasked to consume can negatively impact our body on the cellular level.  We’d hope that trying to eat better wouldn’t do this but in reality, it often does.  To make your resolution stick and give yourself the health benefit you’re looking for, choose fresh, locally grown produce and fruit whenever possible.  You’ll find these items to be fresher, better tasting, and more nutritious than their counterparts in most grocery stores.  Better tasting is a huge factor for my children and Non GMO a huge factor for me.   If all you do this year is make this change, you’ll find it to be very positive one.  There is plenty of information on GM foods out there and on our website, so I won’t go too much in to that other than the easy way to avoid these foods is to look for a Non-GMO designation or a USDA Organic logo.   I was concerned that I would be paying more for organic foods and on the surface it might appear that I did, but in reviewing wasted food, our overall health, and our satisfaction with our food, it was overwhelmingly a better fiscal choice.  First, food that tastes better gets eaten.  When we first started putting better foods on the table, I would put our conventional items out too.  Quickly we realized that we favored the organic goods due to taste more than anything.  It was especially evident with the kids and their fruit choices.  They ate more, had less waste, and resisted less to the introduction of new items.  If we compare year to year over the past 3 with health issues, we are seeing fewer illnesses like colds amongst our entire family even though we are even more on the move with work travel and our kids social activities.  Just that alone has made the economic equation for choosing to eat better an easy decision.  What’s even better is that we’re not perfect in our pursuits.  A hamburger often follows a LL baseball game but instead of eating two burgers, it’s become a salad and a hamburger.  No need to beat ourselves up as life happens.  Better choices has meant better health.

See what eating better can do for you and your family.  Make it a priority to change just a few habits this year and start tracking the benefits.  It may not show up for a bit of time.  I know it took about a year for the lifestyle changes we made to reflect in a positive light.  Getting kids to ‘feel’ the difference between refined sugars and naturally occurring sugars takes time.  It’s more than taste that we have to adjust to but once you do you’ll find your kids less interested in junk food.  It actually won’t taste as good to them as it used to which makes it easier to put better snacks and desserts on the table.

Lastly, as you make the move towards better foods, you can start eliminating the presence of GMO’s.  Clearly, this is still experimentation regardless of what the FDA allows.  I expect that we’ll see more and more evidence that these foods have negatively impacted our health in the coming years.  Enough time has elapsed where the correlation between the introduction of these foods into the supply chain and increased disease rates is more evident.  This is especially true for inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s Disease and Colitis.  This makes sense since the BT toxin, produced by many GM crops is designed to impact the gut of the pest insects of these crops.  Coincidence?  That’s what they’d like us to believe…but to some of us with first hand knowledge, we know differently.

I hope that this will help a few of you keep your resolutions to eat better.  Take it one day at a time and make the adjustment.  I’m living proof that these improvements are positive and possible.  At SunRidge Farms, we strive to help you improve your lifestyle with healthy snacks, mixes, confections, fruit, grains, vegetables, nuts and seeds.  We source Non GMO where possible and work very hard to ensure reliable and sustainable  sources for these items.