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Supporting the Local Homeless

Many of us saw the story on Ted Williams, the homeless former radio announcer, who has earned a second chance in his field with MSNBC after a viral media run took place after an interview with a journalist in Columbus, Ohio. Here’s a link to that story:

There are many others, including families, that need the same type of luck to happen for them. In every community there are organizations that dedicate themselves to this concern. One of these is the Homeless Services Center in Santa Cruz. Falcon Trading Company is pleased to contribute to this organization which hosted the 2010 Harriet & John Deck Holiday Party and raised almost $170,000 to support the emergency and transitional services utilized by homeless families and individuals in our community. We’re grateful to be in the position to donate and encourage others with the means to support their local Homeless Services Center to ensure that those truly in need are able to access these programs. To learn more about the Santa Cruz organization visit

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Rainbow (Drops) for the Holidays!

Rainbow’s are one of natures most pleasurable phenomenons. Who fails to be charmed whenever the rain and sun give us such a visual delight? The joy the children express is contagious and if that guy on YouTube is any indication, a double rainbow causes hysterics that get to be shared by all. I’ve now experienced the taste of the ‘Rainbow’ and have to say that it’s about time that we were able to add in the other senses and we’ve learned that instead of gold at the end of the rainbow there is this treasure. Introducing Rainbow Drops from SunRidge Farms. These all natural candy coated milk chocolates come in 7 rainbow colors and will quickly disappear in your candy dishes that you put out this holiday season, or anytime else. Since all candies are not made alike and Rainbow Drops are part of the SunRidge Farms product line, you’ll find no artificial colors or flavors, no hydrogenated oils, 0 grams of trans fats, no titanium dioxide, and no preservatives. The candies are even non-GMO! So, visit your favorite grocery store’s bulk section and stock up on Rainbow Drops right now and stimulate all of your senses. Now the joy of the rainbow can be enjoyed day or night ( and without the rain! ). Happy Snacking from SunRidge Farms.

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A Heavenly Place to Be

Fortunately, mother nature provided a ‘white’ Thanksgiving this year in South Lake Tahoe. Fortunately for several reasons, 1) the whole family had made it safely to the Marriott near the gondola at Heavenly in between winter storms and 2) we had brought boards and skis in hope that the slopes would open. Boy, did they ever open. Friday was calm, warm (at least in the morning) and while my younger son got to go to snowboard school for the day, I was able to jump on the gondola about when it opened and soon was truly in ‘heaven’. Within a couple of hours I was done in, jello knees and sweat, sitting at the umbrella bar and munching SunRidge Farms’ All-Natural Antioxidant Mix which is loaded with Berries and Chocolate and sipping a ‘Steve special’ bloody mary. Staring up at the slopes, I couldn’t believe how much it looked like ants crawling over the sparkling white mountains. Like us, the 10 feet of snowfall had come like an early Christmas present and brought anyone and everyone who was already there to the mountain. Everyone was joyous, even the workers. Too early in the season to have built up any frustration and having left the upheaval of the world behind when the gondola doors opened at the summit, the blanket of white seemed to provide a template for what many of us would call a ‘perfect day’. I can only hope that everyone gets a chance to have their ‘perfect day’ this holiday season.

If you go: The new Tamarack Lodge at Heavenly opens in a few weeks at the top of the gondola. It will be spectacular! I understand Steve will be there serving his special cocktails as well. You can get SunRidge Farms bulk products at Raley’s right there at Heavenly Village. The Berries and Chocolate Antioxidant mix is new and absolutely wonderful. A great way to stay fueled up either on the slopes or sitting fireside after a powder filled day.

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Berries and Chocolate Antioxidant Mix review from LeafyGreen

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Berries and Chocolate Antioxidant Mix – 1% of sales goes to Defenders of Wildlife

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Save Money, Keep Edibles Fresh with Bulk Food Storage Secrets

National Bulk Week isn’t until October but buying bulk makes sense now.  There is no doubt that buying bulk saves money but what to do with storage in order for the foods to stay fresh?  This article was written last year just prior to National Bulk Week in October.  Everything in the article though is relevant to now; even more so due to rising food costs.

Check out the information on storing bulk foods so that you can buy these items with confidence, knowing that you’ll be able to save the money and not waste the food.

Click here to become a bulk food storage whiz:

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How do you store your bulk foods?

You’ve done your research; you know that buying bulk foods will save you money and it’s a much greener habit than buying packaged foods.  That first walk down the aisle with all the bins seems a bit daunting but you gamely load up various bags with trail mix, granola, pasta, and some dried fruit.  Upon arriving home, you face the only real dilemma….where do you store your new bulk purchases?  Good question…let’s see if we can help.

First off, the bins at the store really aren’t great storage devices.  Typically they are too big and cumbersome for home use.  We really recommend glass jars with screw tops or clamps.  It’s even better if the glass is clear so you can see what it is that you have stored in the jar.  Keep them on the counter and visible so you are encouraged to use what you’ve purchased.  One of the most common practices is taking old pasta sauce jars, pickle jars, etc. cleaning and sterilizing them and recycling as bulk food storage.  Another green solution is to visit your local thrift store and find all kinds of storage bin treasures that will add ambiance to your kitchen and pantry and give you exactly what you need to keep you in bulk.

The Bulk is Green Council wants to help educate you on bulk foods.  Visit their site and find out even more about why bulk is the right choice. Bulk is Green Council

Get Creative in the Kitchen with Bulk Foods

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Non GMO Shopping Guide

The interest in NonGMO foods is growing yet many people don’t know how best to avoid the foods that contain GMO’s.  To save you time, we found the following list located at the following link.  Just click and use their printer function to enable you to put a list at your fingertips.

SunRidge Farms uses NonGMO ingredients, whenever possible, in our products.