Deadline AUGUST 24th, 2011 to order!
BIG Point of Sale – static clings
Contact Mark Devencenzi at SunRidge Farms to order
Deadline AUGUST 24th, 2011 to order!
BIG Point of Sale – static clings
Contact Mark Devencenzi at SunRidge Farms to order
I’ve visited Yosemite National Park 18 times since coming to California in 1988. It wasn’t until this past week that my family and I took the ‘road less traveled’ and entered the park via Evergreen Road about 30 minutes outside of Groveland, CA on Hwy 120. The winding 8 mile drive into the park is beautiful, pine laden National Forest land interspersed with a 2 mile stretch of private land with striking meadows. As you pass the Evergreen Lodge on your left, remind yourself that this is where dinner is after your hike ( more on this later ). Just past the lodge you’ll drive through Camp Mather, a San Francisco Parks and Rec property. Another half mile and you come to the Yosemite entrance to Hetch Hetchy. We paid our $20 park fee (good for 7 days) and pulled into the parking lot above the reservoir. In case you don’t know, Hetch Hetchy is the primary water source for San Francisco created by damming the Tuolumne River. It’s a fascinating story in it’s own right. I won’t discuss it here but there is a quiet but growing movement to restore the valley to it’s natural state. Just a brief diversion…anyway we gathered our water for the hike and set out across O’Shaughnessy dam that creates the reservoir. With the immense snow pack this year our first view of Wapama Falls from across the water was incredible!! The Tuolumne river explodes over the spillway and starts it’s journey west. Crossing the dam we entered a tunnel carved from the granite as part of the dam creation. Exiting the far side we begin the 2.5 mile trek to the falls and the wooden bridges that cross the falls. You can count this among the easiest hikes in Yosemite as there is very little elevation gain and footing is quite good the entire way. None of us wore hiking boots for this trek and they weren’t needed. The roar of the overflow at the dam faded as we skirted the edge of the lake and quickly approached Wapama Falls. We could hear the water pounding before we turned the corner and saw the entire set of falls above us. This is the best part of the hike as the temperature dropped from 93 to 75 as we walked across the bridges set into the granite by the Park Service to allow access to the trail on the far side. Too noisy to talk, we just took in the incredible power of the water surrounding us with the occasional shower as bit more water hit an outcropping of rock just above us. Thoroughly refreshed, we started heading back towards the dam where we could dry off and snack before we hiked back. This is where SunRidge Farms snacks really come in handy. Try Mountain Rainbow Mix or Berries and Chocolate Antioxidant Mix (pick up SunRidge bulk mix at the Groveland Market in Groveland about 30 miles before the Hetch Hetchy turnoff ) when you hike and you’ll find the energy and nutrition that tastes absolutely incredible for your hike back where you can cool off in the spray from the dam overflow. Take the time to look back at the falls you just hiked to and just imagine the valley and canyon that John Muir described long before the dam was built. Agree or disagree with the dam, it is still an amazing place and worthy of being part of the NPS and Yosemite. The fact that you’ll see only a couple dozen hikers during the entire walk will have you coming back to enjoy Yosemite beauty without the crowds. Here’s a link to some info on how to get there –
Here’s the other hidden gem: The Evergreen Lodge !! Whatever you do, finish the hike by 4:00 so you have time to meander back to the Lodge parking lot and visit the Tavern. Have a RedBreast Irish Whiskey (yes they pour RedBreast) and toast your day. Grab a seat outside the entrance to the dinner hall and be among the first in line for dinner at 5:30 as it will be packed. If your lucky you can sit outside and await a magnificent meal, which it will be. Just trust me! My wife and I liked it so much we drove back two nights later just to be sure that we weren’t crazy. We weren’t. Here’s the info for the lodge – I just couldn’t keep this a secret…
The word organic has become a fixture of language and meaning. Here’s a story that carries on that conversation. Enjoy…
Monsanto is at it again with their lobbying again producing a decision by the USDA to approve a genetically modified form of Kentucky Bluegrass that is resistant to the weedkiller Round Up. We hope that you will take the time to read the articles, familiarize yourself with Monsanto’s practices, and become aware of what you can do to protect the health of your family. Here’s a link to the latest:
SunRidge Farms sources very carefully to reduce the exposure to GMO foods. Whenever possible, our products are GMO free.
Environmental Working Group has released it’s latest ‘Guide to Pesticides in Produce’. Click here to find out more –
Try SunRidge Farms Organic snacks and stay clear of pesticides. Eating right never tasted this good!
Up until a few years ago I had no idea what Genetically Modified Organisms were and how the food we consume each day may or may not be genetically modified but that it was becoming more and more likely that at least some of what I was eating was, in fact, GMO. With awareness comes concern. There are studies that claim to substantiate how safe these foods are; there are an equal number that come to a different conclusion. Clearly a majority of the ‘safe’ studies have been funded by the biotech companies themselves or groups with a vested interest in having a study that produces a ‘safe’ result. That’s not all that reassuring. Natural News has published some information that is helpful in learning more about GMO foods and their safety testing. It’s well worth reading:
On our end, SunRidge Farms is committed to sourcing non-GMO wherever possible.
It’s time to plan for National Bulk Foods Week. Scheduled this year for October 16-22, 2011, the Bulk is Green Council (BIG) is preparing signage and other materials for retailers to use to help consumers take advantage of all the benefits of buying in bulk. Gourmet Retailer has some more detail here –
Bookmark the SunRidge Farms website and you’ll be able to keep up with all the bulk food news and other BIG efforts and events.
National Bulk Week is this October. POS materials and artwork are now available. There are four different PDF documents to download. Each of these items are listed for download below. You can also link to the BIG site here:
June 1 rolled around on the calendar and thoughts of dusting off the pack and gear have started crossing my mind. Sierra Nevada snowpack is still at record levels which means that the high country will be a bit tougher to get to but that water will be abundant and wild flowers will be in bloom until the end of July in many spots. One thing about backpacking, at least for me, is that I’m not a minimalist. Going ultra light is a fine practice but if I’m only out for 2 or 3 days I’m going to eat like a king. I like lobster, skirt steak, salmon, or fresh trout for my meals. A wineskin full of a nice Merlot is a real treat at 8500 feet around a small campfire as part of a gourmet meal. I know this sounds a bit crazy but meals like this are typical for me in the backwoods. I don’t cheat myself with my snacks either. Used to be I would create my own blends of trail mix by trying to come up with ingredients that I would find and that worked OK, but enter SunRidge Farms and I no longer had to be that creative. Try and find better trail mixes! Antioxidant Mix (with berries and chocolate), Mountain Rainbow Mix, Hit the Trail Mix, Cranberry Jubilee, and Chocolate Nut Crunch are but a few of the standard mixes found in the bulk bins of both small and larger grocers throughout the country. You simply must try these snacks! You’ll find at least one that will become a staple for your treks in the backcountry as well as the journey to your office most other days. Remember that buying in bulk reduces waste from packaging, allows you to buy only what you need, and saves you money! SunRidge Farms also produces some of their products in prepackaged bags with lockable seals which makes for convenient storage and carry if you prefer. For information on the advantages of buying bulk, visit the Bulk is Green council at
We’re always excited to see reviews of our products. Here’s another from the WIC Project.
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