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Monsanto, DuPont Spending Millions to Oppose California’s GMO Labeling Law

This story from Forbes Magazine is one of the best written and unbiased regarding the proposed Prop 37.  By educating yourself on this issue and being objective we’re confident that you’ll be in agreement that this measure is in the best interests of the People.  Take a look at the comments by various individuals following the story.  We can’t say it any better than most of these folks.  We just want to be able to determine what’s in our food.  That’s all!  That’s what this Proposition does.  Do not be mislead by the propaganda.  As a food company subject to these proposed rules, we agree with the majority of people that this is right.  How could we not??

Enjoy this article –

California Voters – Please join all of us at SunRidge Farms in VOTING YES on Prop 37 this November.

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SunRidge Farms snack items earn Progressive Grocers 2012 Editors Pick award!

SunRidge Farms is pleased to announce that we have won Progressive Grocers 2012 Editors Pick Award for being “this year’s most original, engaging, and downright fun retail items.” Click on the link below and scroll down to SunRidge Farms (the company’s are listed in alpha order).

Visit Progressive Grocer to see the full story –

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Candy aficianado chooses SRF Organic Sunny Fruit Slices as top choice for Sierra Club Magazine

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Are GMO’s promoting Autism??

“It appears there is a direct correlation between GMOs and autism.”

–Arden Anderson, MD, PhD, MPH

If you are a parent, chances are you know someone who has been diagnosed with autism.  What’s astounding is the rate of diagnosed children and the timing of this accelerated rate of occurrence.  Objectively, it’s easy to see the pattern regarding GMO foods and autism…here’s the complete story –

Please learn about Genetically Modified Organisms and their impact on you, your children, and the planet. 

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Dining out?? It may be harder than you think to avoid GMO’s

When was the last time you went out to eat for dinner?  Most of us eat out quite a bit which means that we’re likely exposing ourselves to GMO’s without even realizing it.  Here’s an article that will open your eyes –

California Voters – Please VOTE YES on PROP 37 this November

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What is the difference between selective breeding of plants and GMO?

The difference in selective breeding versus genetically modifying a plant is significant.  Unfortunately, those on the side of GMO’s often infer that the process is the same.  Though technology has helped both efforts, selective breeding does not allow for cross species (animal/plant, insect/plant) manipulation.   In other words, breeding a new species of corn that grows better in New York by crossing a variety of corn from Europe with a variety of corn from the western USA makes sense.  The traits exhibited by the ‘new’ corn are an improvement that allow better use of the soil, better use of water or fertilizers, and hopefully produces better yields.  This has been done by farmers for ages and has resulted in nothing harmful to the human body. 

In contrast, GMO’s infer cross species modifications.  The use of bacteria/insect/non plant DNA inserted into plant DNA resulting in a plant that produces it’s own pesticide as a response to this manipulation.  What’s unclear but becoming less so is the health impacts on the body in regards to the ingestion of GMO’s.   We don’t have any clear indications that the genes impacted by the GMO’s are benign in the human body.  Since the introduction of GMO’s, a myriad of issues in the human body have increased. 

In 2009, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) stated

that, “Several animal studies indicate serious health risks

associated with genetically modified (GM) food,” including infertility,

immune problems, accelerated aging, faulty insulin regulation, and

changes in major

organs and the gastrointestinal system.

The facts are quickly gaining traction which is why 69% of the voters in California are in favor of the labeling of GMO foods.  We just want to know whether or not the foods we are eating contain GMO’s so we have the choice not to eat them.  Educate yourself here, and stop taking chances with you and your families health.

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Where can I get real information on GMO products?

SunRidge Farms is pleased to be a financial supporter of The Institute For Responsible Technology,  Our own experiences lend credence to the information presented/collected by the Institute and Jeffrey Smith.  Please forward this information on to others as you learn more and more about what’s in your food. 


Thank you – SunRidge Farms

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SunRidge Farms urges all California Voters to embrace PROP 37

What is PROPOSITION 37??  In our view, PROP 37, is one of the most critical referendums ever introduced by the people.  This is the first time that legislation regarding the labeling of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) has been able to be submitted to the ballot for vote in the USA.  To understand how big this is, you have to realize that companies like Monsanto have fought legislation, tooth and nail for years, to keep public awareness of GMO’s to a minimum.

Why would this be??  What could Monsanto be afraid of??  If the products that Monsanto makes are perfectly safe, then why wouldn’t they want all food items to reflect that??

GMO’s aren’t safe, that’s why!!!  SunRidge Farms is a substantial supporter of the Institute for Responsible Technology.  Here’s a link to their site which provides a clear picture of these dangers,

Clearly many Californian’s feel the same way!  Well over a million signatures were gathered in order for PROP 37 to make the ballot.  This is from the people, not our lawmakers.  If they had tried, Monsanto would have quashed it.  We, the people, can not let that happen.  I refuse to be bought by Monsanto and so should you.  Make sure to contact your representatives and explain to them your expectations.  Your health, your children’s health, etc. are too valuable to leave to chance.  Please take the time to educate yourself to the facts and VOTE YES ON 37!!

Remember, California is the world’s 8th largest economy.  As goes California, so goes the rest of USA and eventually, the world.  Monsanto will be doing everything in their power to create controversy and confusion.  Please do not let them fool you.  There is a reason that Monsanto has been labeled ‘The most evil company in the world’. 

Thank you for supporting SunRidge Farms and we look forward to being part of your families healthy food lifestyle!