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Contact Information for Michael R. Taylor at the FDA

Who is Michael R. Taylor? Well, as the FDA’s Deputy Commissioner for Foods, he is the person supposed to be ensuring that the FDA fulfill it’s mission. His personal quote regarding his role is this – “Protecting the food supply, making it safe, making it nutritious, is one of the most fundamental duties of government.”

Did you know that he has been involved with and/or worked with Monsanto since 1981? In any arena the possibility of conflict of interest would be obvious but we’ve all learned how Washington and Wall Street do business and if ‘conflict of interest’ helps protect profits then those concerns are put aside. Well, the latest long term study of genetically engineered foods casts tremendous doubt on the safety of said foods. What Mr. Taylor decides to do now will clearly indicate his bias. There is no thinking that has to be done here. GE foods need to be stopped until additional long term research ( independently funded, peer reviewed ) is accomplished. Let’s weigh in directly to Mr. Taylor our thoughts and our demands as US Citizens and consumers. He works for us, not Monsanto and if he hears enough he’ll have to act. His action might be to resign so that he can deny any culpability in his role over the years or he can do the right thing. He really has only those two choices and we must hold him responsible and accountable.

Feel free to call, fax, or email Michael R. Taylor at the FDA. Here’s his contact info:

301-796-4500 office

301-847-3535 fax

[email protected]

Attention California Voters – Please support PROP 37 this November by voting YES

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GE Foods Shorten Life – Peer reviewed long term study shows!

It’s becoming ever more clear that GM foods are not what Monsanto and others have claimed.  Take a look at the first long term study on GM foods that was independently funded, peer reviewed, and published.  This was published in the Huffington Post.

One of the questions raised in this article is why it’s taken so long to get a study of this type.  Take a look at the donors of the No on 37 Campaign and you’ll understand.  These companies have throttled research, especially in the US.  Why???  Well we’d have to use sodium pentothal (truth serum) in order for the real reasons to come out (profit, greed, power, fear).  Why fear??  Because the concerns that these foods may actually cause harm is something they know about and that knowledge is being withheld for the sake of profits and at the expense of you.  This is no different than Big Tobacco.  By limited research, Monsanto and others hope to hide behind the lack of information in limiting their liability in future actions.  That might have worked in the 1950’s but information is being more liberally transmitted now and they won’t be able to hide the facts.  It’s clearly a slap in the face to all Americans and something that we simply shouldn’t tolerate.  Whether or not you are a Californian, this issue impacts you directly.  Please support PROPOSITION 37 in California this November and VOTE YES for labeling of GM foods.

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Note to Napa editor states ‘I am voting Yes on Prop 37’

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Another well written article from the NY Times Opinion Pages

It’s clear that Prop 37 is making national waves.  It’s also time for Monsanto and the other ‘chemical/pesticide’ companies supporting the NO campaign to listen to the people.  Here’s another informative, lucid article that will help you understand what PROP 37 is about.

We want to thank all of the individuals and companies nationwide that are taking an interest in PROP 37 and want to remind all California voters to VOTE YES on Prop 37.

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9-11-2001 May we never forget!

SunRidge Farms cherishes the memory of those lost on this day in 2001.  We hope that you will take a moment to reflect on the impact this moment had for all of us alive that witnessed that event and make a promise to never forget.  To all the first responders, volunteers, and families directly impacted we also wish to extend our gratitude and respect for your service.

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Monsanto FLIP FLOP – supported GMO labeling in Europe but against in California

Why would a company that is so sure of it’s products be afraid of PROP 37?  Doesn’t make sense, does it?  Makes me wonder what they want to hide…

Take a look at this story which outlines Monsanto’s efforts outside the USA to support labeling.  If Monsanto is truly unafraid of their products, then it’s time for them to stick to their original stance and support labeling.

California Voters – Please VOTE YES on Prop 37 this November.

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A measure for the People and By the People – Prop 37

We found this well written story in the Record Searchlight of Redding.  The author, Trudi Pratt, provides a clear and concise piece on this important measure and the fight that’s ahead.  What is most poignant is that 9 of 10 Californians want to know what’s in their food.

Read more here –

If you are a California Voter reading this, please do your part to protect yourself and family by voting YES on Prop 37 this November. 

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Corporate Doublespeak – Nestle supports GMO labeling EXCEPT in California – FACT

We have a very simple way of looking at GM: listen to what the

consumer wants. If they don’t want it in products, you don’t put it in

said Hans Jor, corporate head of sustainable agriculture at Nestle, according to Food Production Daily.

This is Nestle’s public stance, yet they’ve just donated $1.16 Million to the opponents of Prop 37.  Confused yet???  This is also what Mr. Jor said, “genetically modified food is unnecessary to feed the world and the food

industry would reap more benefits from using resources more sustainably

and employing other techniques.”

Want to know more?  Please visit the California Right to Know website and see the story here –

California Voters – PLEASE VOTE YES on PROP 37 this November.

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See the latest PROP 37 ad and share with others

Two of the largest contributors to the opposition of Prop 37 are Monsanto and DuPont.  Now why wouldn’t they want you to know what is in your food???  Could it be that they are chemical companies???   Those same ‘safe’ chemicals that have poisoned our bodies, environments, and negatively impacted our food chain.  Let’s hear the facts:

View this video and spread the word.

CALIFORNIA VOTERS – Please join us in VOTING YES on PROP 37 this November.

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Confused by the GMO rhetoric?? Here’s the truths and myths of GMO’s.

We’re getting bombarded by disinformation in the news as pushed by the opponents of Prop 37.  This is what we expected and why we’re working so hard to give you accurate information to help you decide what makes the most sense for you and your family.  Just today our local paper, The Santa Cruz Sentinel, published a story on a recent Stanford University study, that discussed the nutritional differences in conventional foods versus organic foods. How is that related to Prop 37?  The answer to that question is – It’s NOT.   It’s another attempt at confusing the issue and it’s disappointing that this study was released at this time. Prop 37 is not about the differences in the nutritional values of Organic versus Conventional foods.  It’s about labeling and providing the consumer the information of whether or not the foods we are buying contain GMO ingredients.  The use of non GMO seeds to grow crops conventionally or organically would be a farming decision and provide an apples to apples comparison to the nutritional concerns that are referenced in that Stanford study.  However, the real concerns are those of using GMO crops and their impact in the body as well as the surrounding environment.

Please take a look at the GMO myths and truths document that we have in PDF format below.  It’s one of the best written and explanatory papers on the dangers of GMO’s.  It’s information that you’ll want to share with anyone you care about.

As always, we appreciate your support of our business’ Mission and Philosophy.

Please VOTE YES on PROP 37 this November.

Download PDF