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Opposition forced to pull an ad due to misleading public!

A perfect example of the lengths that the ‘no’ on 37 campaign is willing to go is this ad where the opposition tried to infer that one of their advocates was a Stanford professor.  The deception and lies are the trademark of these companies trying to block this measure.  Here are the facts –

California Voters – Please VOTE YES on PROP 37 this November

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Letters to the editor – UT San Diego Newspaper

Several major newspapers have come out against Prop 37 with their editorial staff.  What I find amusing is how quickly the readers find the faults and inaccuracies of the Op/Ed stances.  These are supposed to be journalists yet they use sources that turn out to be propaganda houses.  Take a look at these letters to the editor:

California Voters – Please VOTE YES on Prop 37 this November

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Opposition has deep pockets, but Consumers are savvy!

Though the opposition keeps spending outrageous sums of money to mislead you, the consumers are seeing through the smokescreen.  Here’s good article that again outlines the real concerns of our foods and why labeling makes sense.

California Voters – Please VOTE YES on Prop 37 this November

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Look how the No campaign uses the newspapers to try and mislead you!

Here’s a link to the Sacramento Bee’s online page that posts unedited press releases from PR Newswire.  This is an example of how the No campaign is spending their money.  They are trying to tell you that newspaper editorial staffs are all against Prop 37.  There is a lot of money tied up in advertising, including money from many of the No campaign primary funding sources.  These editorial staffs are not policy experts, nor scientists.  Most of the arguments they present involve litigation.  Prop 37, like all legislation, will be challenged.  That’s not an issue as the opportunity to clear up some language exists.  What is clear that this is what people want.  These newspaper editorial staffs cannot be ignoring that unless they are being pressured.   That’s the simple truth…

Do not let the will of the People be manipulated.  We all deserve to know what is in our food.  Please VOTE YES on PROP 37 this NOVEMBER.

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More than ever it’s time to push for PROP 37

A recent poll suggested that Prop 37 is likely to pass.  That is a very good sign BUT it is too soon to let up on efforts to educate as many people as possible as to the concerns over GMO’s and the need to label our foods.  Let the People of California’s bid to govern, result in change that is positive and demonstrate to our elected officials that they do, indeed, work for US. 

Here’s a link to the story and results of the latest poll –,0,5015236.story

As the story states, the no campaign will start their heavy spending now in order to try and convince us that this measure isn’t necessary.  Please understand that PROP 37 is absolutely vital and to remember to vote YES on 37 this November.

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SunRidge items affected by Sunland peanut butter recall

Falcon Trading, dba, SunRidge Farms has issued a voluntary recall of three items that utilize Sunland, Inc. peanut butter.  The three items are being voluntarily recalled as part of a larger action by Sunland, Inc.  No SunRidge Farms items have been implicated in the Salmonella concerns recently uncovered but we are voluntarily recalling these items as a precautionary measure.  Consumers who purchased Energy Nuggets, Peanut Butter Power Chews, or Treasure Trove Mix recently should return the product to their retailer and exchange for new product or request a refund.  These are only bulk items; this recall does not impact any prepackaged items from SunRidge Farms.

Read the full recall notice.

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Report by UC Davis professors in question

Monsanto and others are spending millions on fighting Prop 37 and here’s an example of that influence. By touting a study that is neither peer reviewed or published (except on the No on 37 website) they have further tried to muddy the waters regarding the important facts. Fortunately, the Huffington Post and others have quickly refuted the study and its lack of objectivity. Even the two professors named in the study refuse to answer questions and even disclaim the UC ties to the study. How embarrassing for UC Davis and these two ‘professors’. Certainly any research they’ve done in the past 10 years would have to be suspect since it’s clear they can’t be trusted. Read the full story here:

California Voters – Please VOTE YES on Prop 37

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Who’s Deceiving Whom? Prop 37 Has Corps Running Scared

The opponents of Prop 37 like to mislead us.  Thanks to this story, some of these deceptions are easier to dismiss.  Share this information with your friends, family, and grocer.  The facts are that GM foods need to be labeled so we have a choice as to whether or not we want to purchase and consume.  Read the following to be better informed –

California Voters – Please VOTE YES on PROP 37 this November.

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See who has donated the most money in opposing Prop 37

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Monsanto tries to discredit French study so we issue a challenge to Monsanto

Monsanto, today, released a response to the recent study that demonstrated the negative effects of long term use of GM foods.  In this response they claim that controls weren’t rigid enough, and that the results didn’t warrant the conclusions.  Wait, this is the same company that ‘buys’ the groups that are doing research that it doesn’t like.  This is the same company whose own studies have lacked the controls and transparency they claim are missing in this study.  This is also the same company that said Agent Orange was safe.  Visit the Monsanto site if you wish to see their ‘response’.  

We have a challenge.  If the foods they produce are so safe then let’s have a long term study independently funded but done with Monsanto scientists and management as the control groups.  One set of Monsanto employees can be fed Non-GMO for three years and the other group only GMO for three years.  IF absolutely no differences show up in that period of time, then we can consider other possibilities.  The folks that work at Monsanto shouldn’t be afraid of this, since they support it.  Let’s set the groups at 50 individuals each and get these volunteers signed up.  Let’s find an independent research group and do this. 

Come on Monsanto, step up to the plate.  Your CEO should be first and should volunteer for the GMO group.  Michael Taylor from the FDA can also be one of the GMO group subjects.  What could you possibly be scared of???