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Memorial Day; Summer Coming

It was funny walking into the office today.  Clearly, the weather has improved everyone’s moods as it is simply beautiful outside in Santa Cruz and it looks to stay that way for a bit.   I think everyone is looking forward to Memorial Day Weekend as well.  Just want to make sure that we reflect on those that have served and died as members of our Armed Forces.  Whether you agree or disagree with any of the decisions made by our Commander’s in Chief over the last 200 + years, those that actually carried out their orders and made the ultimate sacrifice deserve our respect and honor.

Now that Summer is around the corner, we’re entering a great time of the year.  It’s time to get the camping gear out, plan a trip to the beach or mountains, and enjoy.  Here in California, we have amazing opportunities to get outdoors all of the time but summer is pretty special.  From surfing to backpacking and everything in between it’s time to play.   You’re going to need healthy energy to enjoy these activities and that’s why I wanted to mention SunRidge Farms’ snack and trail mixes, dried fruits and candies.  These fantastic products are for your healthy lifestyle and that’s what really differentiates us from other ‘food companies’.  Yes, we sell food – good foods, healthier foods, better ingredients, but what we really are after is improving your lifestyle by educating you on the choices you have for foods, the choices growers are making to ensure better crops are available and how you can avoid eating foods that have the potential to cause harm.  We live by these lifestyle choices and choose to operate the company in this manner.   Evaluate your food suppliers and really see what you’re eating.  Use this summer to become healthier and better educated on staying that way.  Let’s keep the American Dream strong by doing what is right and ethical, educate those around us to their betterment, and move with dignity in our dealings with each other.

From all of us at SunRidge Farms!