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Mountain Rainbow Mix and hike in Nisene Marks

I have a new trail mix favorite.  This one will move towards the top of your list too, because it’s that good.  My first sampling of this mix was late last week as I took walk in the redwoods of Nisene Marks, a California State Park located in Aptos, CA.  The park offers 10,000 acres of rugged semi-wilderness, rising from sea level to steep coastal mountains of more than 2,600 feet. The site of logging operations until the 1920s, visitors can still find evidence of logging operations, mill sites and trestles in the park.  There are 30 miles of trails nestled in this second growth forest, which are perfect for hiking, mountain biking, or a leisurely stroll. I had always wanted to visit the epicenter of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake and with a little effort you can hike right to it.  Take Aptos Creek Trail off of the main fireroad at the bottom of the incline and it’s about a half mile in.  There is still evidence of the quake with trees laying on their sides but not much else suggesting a 7.1 shaking that resonates with anyone who was part of it.  More info on Nisene Marks is available here,   Since I started the hike at the entrance, I had walked a bit over 3 miles before I came to the trailhead so I was hungry.  Grabbing the bag of SunRidge Farms Mountain Rainbow Mix, I tore open the package and began devouring this divine mix of the incredible new Rainbow Drops, peanut butter peanuts, raisins, and more.   Sitting on a moss covered rock, under a large second growth redwood with a gentle mist filtering up through the canyon, I couldn’t help but notice as the sun briefly showed itself and highlighted the spot I was sitting and snacking.  It was peaceful, refreshing, and spiritual.  Those of you who have hiked in the redwoods know what I’m talking about.  Hope to see you on the trails!  Just be sure to bring something tasty along to eat.  That’s where SunRidge Farms comes in!

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Not your average little league ball park concession!

Baseball is in the air….that’s right, baseball!  Not spring, but that’s coming too!   Being at the ball park is something that so many of us look forward to each year and this year is no different.  Even better, our local little league program in Aptos, CA is expanding on it’s ‘Gary and Wes Hunter World Renowned Snack Shack’.  On top of the tri-tip salad, the incredible turkey chili, the incredible hot links, and garlic fries that certainly compete with the best the World Champion SF Giants offer at AT&T park, we can now add SunRidge Farms HealthyGO snacks.  Better nutrition and better snacking is the goal for the kids in this area and ballpark food is often difficult to improve but adding SunRidge Farms products to the mix is a great move.   We may not be able to get rid of the hot dog but we don’t have to compound this with refined sugars or artificial flavors and ingredients.  Even better, for every HealthyGO snack purchased by the fans, the profit goes right back to the league providing a boost in revenue for the kids and helping to ensure a quality program for over 400 kids and their families.

We’d love for your local youth organizations to join us in offering these types of treats for your program.  Give us a call and inquire as to our non-profit pricing on HealthyGO for your snack shack.   HealthyGO snacks come in many varieties of popular trail mixes, candies, and nuts, including the incredible new Rainbow Drops.  The controlled portions ensure a better snacking approach and provide convenience and peace of mind to parents who, like me, face a difficult proposition in getting kids to think about eating better….not to mention ourselves.

We look forward to hearing from you!


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Rainbow (Drops) for the Holidays!

Rainbow’s are one of natures most pleasurable phenomenons. Who fails to be charmed whenever the rain and sun give us such a visual delight? The joy the children express is contagious and if that guy on YouTube is any indication, a double rainbow causes hysterics that get to be shared by all. I’ve now experienced the taste of the ‘Rainbow’ and have to say that it’s about time that we were able to add in the other senses and we’ve learned that instead of gold at the end of the rainbow there is this treasure. Introducing Rainbow Drops from SunRidge Farms. These all natural candy coated milk chocolates come in 7 rainbow colors and will quickly disappear in your candy dishes that you put out this holiday season, or anytime else. Since all candies are not made alike and Rainbow Drops are part of the SunRidge Farms product line, you’ll find no artificial colors or flavors, no hydrogenated oils, 0 grams of trans fats, no titanium dioxide, and no preservatives. The candies are even non-GMO! So, visit your favorite grocery store’s bulk section and stock up on Rainbow Drops right now and stimulate all of your senses. Now the joy of the rainbow can be enjoyed day or night ( and without the rain! ). Happy Snacking from SunRidge Farms.