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Further indications that corn syrup negatively impacts the body

We have been concerned about corn syrup for a variety of reasons at SunRidge Farms for many, many years.  It’s such a staple sweetener in the food industry due to it’s low cost and availability but it’s negative health impact is becoming clearer.  The most recent study on this sweetener indicates that the brain does not recognize that we are eating by telling us we are now ‘full’.  The impact on weight and other health concerns can be severe with excessive sugar in the body and the high potential for over eating.  For more information on this story, please read

Sweet is something we crave as humans but we can certainly use more natural forms of sugar to achieve this.  In doing so you’ll find that your craving is satisfied with less and far  more healthy amounts.  As with my own kids, you’ll find them quickly gravitating to the better foods once they are exposed to this.   Try serving Organic Chocolate Almonds in your child’s lunchbox as a treat versus any number of commercially produced packaged treats and you’ll find other kids wanting to have the same.  My sixth grader has done just that and his class has cut back on junk food for lunch as parents have switched up due to the influence of one child.  Why??  The kids are asking for better snacks because they do taste better and fill their stomachs with less.  Order these almonds now, and see for yourself.

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New Years Resolutions – 9 foods to never eat again!

Now is the time for those famous New Years Resolutions.  Here’s one resolution that isn’t so easy to keep but can be so helpful long term.  Take a look at try to avoid these foods –

Please share this with family and friends to help them become aware of the dangers posed by foods that simply aren’t good for us.

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How well does the FDA listen to us??

As frustrating as it is to us to realize that the FDA is in the deep pockets of business, it’s doubly frustrating when our elected officials can’t get them to respond.  Despite over 400,000 public comments and congressional input demanding that a new ‘transgenic’ salmon be studied and all risks mitigated before approval, the folks in charge at the FDA chose to ignore these pleas and approve this new fish species.   Four Hundred Thousand comments against and the FDA still wants us to be the guinea pigs.   For more on this story, please read this –

The only way to combat this is to not purchase transgenic salmon and hope that this species doesn’t destroy the ecosystem when introduced.   Do everything you can to support the elimination of transgenic foods.  Protect your body at the cellular level by eating Non-GMO foods.

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Pesticide use increases with use of GMO crops

In an exhaustive analysis of publicly available government data and contrary to the claims of Monsanto and others in the GM field, pesticide use is now significantly higher than prior to their introduction.  Insects that are already resistant to BT are becoming resistant to even stronger pesticides and with BT staying in the soil up to 6 months after harvest, we’re looking at environmental contamination possibilities including our aquatic ecosystems.  For more on this study, please read this –

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Don’t give up on Organic Foods

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Avoid GMO foods for your holiday feast

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What happens if the bees die??

Lost in the noise over labeling is a much deeper concern that is directly related to the chemical companies that produce pesticides, as well as the use of GM crops.  CCD, or colony collapse disorder, is being linked to systemic pesticides called neonicotinoids.  These pesticides disrupt the central nervous system of pollinators.  This is acknowledged by the EPA yet the EPA has taken no action to look at or suspend the use of these chemicals.  Hive colonies have lost 30% of their populations due to die off, yet the EPA says ‘bees are fine’.  Since fully a third of ALL POLLINATION is through bees, I would argue that this threatens our food chain and life on this planet.  One of the chemicals, produced by Bayer, is only approved through a loophole and entered service 9 years ago.  The EPA’s review may not be complete until 2018 unless expedited due to congressional pressure.  What??  At what point does our responsibility to the planet and the human race get shunted aside for the sake of one company’s revenue?  Bayer is yet another of just a few chemical companies that are vying for a significant chunk of the food supply chain.  How ironic if their effort to capture more of the food chain actually helps precipitate an end to the food chain.  Read more here –