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Monsanto Protection Act to end at the end of October

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Is Round Up hurting the farmer’s soil?

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Misunderstood ‘sell by’ dates contributing to huge food waste.

As we approach National Bulk Foods Week (October 13-19, 2013) we want to highlight some of the advantages of buying in bulk.  One of the most significant advantages of bulk food is buying only what you need so minimize waste and consume the item when it’s fresher.  40% of US food is thrown away and that’s a tragedy as we could easily feed another 25 million people with this waste.  Much of this waste is attributed to misunderstood labeling regarding expiration.  Take a look at this story to learn more –

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Alfalfa rejected by foreign buyers after it tested for GMO’s that came from Washington fields!

The USDA will have to consider some action to deal with the cross contamination of Round Up ready Alfalfa with non GMO Alfalfa in Washington fields.  This cross contamination threatens trade with foreign buyers as GM Alfalfa is banned in 64 countries.  The farmer in this case didn’t even know he was growing GM crops which clearly shows that the dangers of cross contamination of GMO and Non-GMO crops is real.  Here’s a link to the story in the New York Daily News –

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HealthyGO Snacks from SunRidge Farms are here!

SunRidge Farms is pleased to announce our full line of HealthyGO snacks.  These 1 ounce (usually) serving size items are a fantastic addition to our standard packaged line of products and include both organic and natural selections.  Our organic items include Almonds, Cranberries, Deluxe Trail Mix, Thompson Raisins and our kid favorite, Sunny Bears!  Our natural line consists of Almonds, Chocolate Rainbow Drops, Dark Chocolate Almonds, Dark Chocolate Cashews, Chocolate Raisins, Cranberries, Hit the Trail Mix, Mountain Rainbow Mix, Sesame Sticks, Women’s Vitality Mix, Yogurt Pretzels, and Yogurt Raisins.  All these items are 1 ounce sizes except for Sesame Sticks (.8oz serving size) and Yogurt Pretzels (1.25oz serving size). 

At $24.00 per caddy of 20, these snacks are economical and deliciously healthier.  Give sales a call at 831.786.7000 and order up a variety for your family. 

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Pests plague GMO corn – and Monsanto

We hear Pro-GMO pundits speaking about how these crops reduce the need for pesticides all of the time.  Well what happens when the crop with it’s own built-in pesticides no longer work?  That’s what is happening now with Monsanto corn.  Resistance has built up in the rootworm population and the trait engineered into the corn is no longer working!  Even the crop rotation suggested by Monsanto is failing.  This is fact, not hyperbole, so one wonders what sort of spin the GMO industry will try to create.  Anyway, for more on the story in the St. Louis Business Journal click here,—and-monsanto.html