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Getting better at buying in bulk!

The conversion from a standard grocery store shopper to a more disciplined and careful BULK grocery shopper has taken time but the results are clearly positive. We’re eating better foods, snacking less, and reducing our waste impact. The really great thing is that in the bulk shopping I’m talking about doesn’t require me to buy 10 lbs. of pasta to get my savings like warehouse bulk buying requires. If we’re having pasta for dinner I can buy 12 oz. in bulk instead of a prepackaged 16 oz box knowing that we only eat 12 oz. and likely throw the rest away. Instead of a box of cookies to have around for snacking or dessert, we’ll buy some SunRidge Farms Peanut Butter Power Chews and put them in an old spaghetti sauce jar to stay fresh and snack on those. Hearty and filling, they are made with much better ingredients than the typical box of cookies. The only packaging for these Chews is the recyclable bag used from the bulk bin counter which means that waste is very limited ( no paperboard box, plastic cookie tray, or plastic wrap ). Better foods seem to be more satisfying too! My younger boy will simply grab one or two power chews and that seems to do the trick, whereas previously he’d put the box of cookies on the coffee table and snack without thinking.

Instead of a candy bar, he’ll grab a piece of dried Mango, a handful of banana chips, or some Dark Chocolate Coconut chews from a jar too. Again, no waste and he’s eating better and we’ve spent less money.

Give it a shot for 30 days! See what you can do to improve your eating habits by buying great foods in bulk. You’ll be surprised how much you like it but I won’t!

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Eating better even more important now

As we move further into the 21st Century we’re realizing that cheap fuel is essentially gone, as is cheap labor.  These two pressures alone will impact our food bills in the very near future.    For many, an extra $10 in the gas tank is $10 less to spend on food.  The possibility becomes eating foods that cost less and often have nutritional shortcomings.  Let’s not let that become a choice for any of us.  The benefits of eating healthier foods far outweigh any tangible fiscal benefit by a large margin and reducing the chance of long term health costs associated with poor diet provides even a more practical argument to ensure good foods are in your body.

Here’s how to eat better for less money –

1) Shop in Bulk – No, I’m not talking the big warehouse stores here…these are the bulk bins you find at your local grocer.  In some cases 30-40% of the cost of food is in the packaging.  You only pay for the actual food when buying bulk, and you can buy only as much as you plan to cook or eat.

2) Buy locally farmed products.  If the vegetables and fruits you like are grown locally, then chances are you have riper, better harvested and stored produce.  In addition, very little fuel was used to get the produce to the store which should translate into better pricing.  Better food, less cost – good deal.

3) Eating healthier also leads to eating less.  Over-consumption, related to empty calories often leads to overeating.  A meal at a fast food establishment might offer 1000 calories but very little nutrition.  The same few dollars at the local market will mean fewer calories ingested but much better use of those calories by the body.

These are just a few tips to eating better.  Try these tips today and you’ll see for yourself.