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Trail Mix

It was 75 degrees in Santa Cruz last Sunday and the urge to dust off the camping and backpacking gear was too great to resist. I pulled it all out and began to go through everything to see what was needed for the coming season. Fortunately, it looks as if all the gear is in tip top shape and I only need to pick up some more bear spray and small propane cartridges for the stove and it’s go time. Oh yeah, and to load up on SunRidge Farms Trail Mix and other SunRidge Farms mixes for snacking on the trail and at the campsite. My stand by has always been the Organic Hit the Trail Mix, which simply tastes great and provides all the energy I need when hiking. This year, however, I’m going to make an effort to bring many different types of SunRidge Farms mixes. NonGMO Project verified Cranberry Harvest Mix combines dark chocolate chips with organic cranberries, organic peanuts, organic pumpkin and sunflower seeds, organic raisins, almonds, and apples. That’s a great breakfast coupled with hot tea or coffee or a solid lunch while taking a break from the trail. Our Tropical Trail Mix gives you a fruit emphasis in your trail mix with raisins, dates, papaya, pineapple and banana combined with sunflower seeds, almonds, peanuts, and coconut chips. These are but two of the many trail mixes we offer and doesn’t even touch the creations you can make yourself buy visiting the bulk section in your nearest grocery and deciding for yourself what constitutes healthier snacking excellence. Start making these mixes part of your everyday diet and you’ll find that trail mixes are not limited to the hike.

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Backpacking and SunRidge Farms

June 1 rolled around on the calendar and thoughts of dusting off the pack and gear have started crossing my mind.  Sierra Nevada snowpack is still at record levels which means that the high country will be a bit tougher to get to but that water will be abundant and wild flowers will be in bloom until the end of July in many spots.  One thing about backpacking, at least for me, is that I’m not a minimalist.  Going ultra light is a fine practice but if I’m only out for 2 or 3 days I’m going to eat like a king.  I like lobster, skirt steak, salmon, or fresh trout for my meals.   A wineskin full of a nice Merlot is a real treat at 8500 feet around a small campfire as part of a gourmet meal.  I know this sounds a bit crazy but meals like this are typical for me in the backwoods.  I don’t cheat myself with my snacks either.  Used to be I would create my own blends of trail mix by trying to come up with ingredients that I would find and that worked OK, but enter SunRidge Farms and I no longer had to be that creative.  Try and find better trail mixes!  Antioxidant Mix (with berries and chocolate), Mountain Rainbow Mix, Hit the Trail Mix, Cranberry Jubilee, and Chocolate Nut Crunch are but a few of the standard mixes found in the bulk bins of both small and larger grocers throughout the country.  You simply must try these snacks!  You’ll find at least one that will become a staple for your treks in the backcountry as well as the journey to your office most other days.   Remember that buying in bulk reduces waste from packaging, allows you to buy only what you need, and saves you money!   SunRidge Farms also produces some of their products in prepackaged bags with lockable seals which makes for convenient storage and carry if you prefer.  For information on the advantages of buying bulk, visit the Bulk is Green council at