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Only 5 individuals have contributed to the No on I 522 campaign!

If anything is telling in Washington State’s I-522 campaign for labeling of GMO’s it’s the fact that ONLY 5 individuals have contributed to the No side.  All of the other $21+Million has come from corporations, and a majority of that from only a handful of companies.  That should be the only information a rational citizen of the state should need to make a decision to vote the other way next Tuesday.  Please see through the smoke screens attempting to discredit the initiative; VOTE YES ON I-522.  Good luck Washington!

See the article here –

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New park in Pajaro opening in December

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Internal email and memos demonstrate GMA’s efforts to launder labeling opponents donations

Attorney General Bob Ferguson of Washington State is pursuing a lawsuit against the Grocery Manufactures Association (GMA) for trying to avoid campaign disclosure laws by laundering member donations.  Internal emails clearly show the strategy of the opponents which was to fight state efforts for labeling at any cost.  By laundering member donations the GMA hoped to shield these corporations from consumer backlash.  Follow this story here –

Let those companies know that you don’t appreciate underhanded and illegal tactics to try and sway voters.  Stop buying their products and send a message.  If you know someone who lives in Washington State, please encourage them to vote YES on I-522 to send even a stronger message.

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The GMO debate – why is it so hard to figure out?

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s) – are they good? and/or are they bad?  This debate is raging in the public realm right now as California voters narrowly defeated a measure to label them in California (Prop 37) last year and Washington State voters are about to decide if they will be the first of the states to adopt a formal labeling requirement.   Trying to understand what the ‘right’ thing to do is very difficult as propaganda and murky science seem to rule the day.  Both ‘sides’ of the debate use the murky science and propaganda to further their respective agendas as to whether or not GMO’s should be labeled, are or aren’t safe, and what information is credible and what is not.   What makes it even more difficult is when both sides try to use the available information fit their stance on the issue which further muddies the water.   For example, whether or not GMO’s are safe is an irrelevant argument when it comes to discussing Initiative 522 in Washington.  That legislation is strictly regarding labeling and how the consumer would be informed as to whether or not a food item contains genetically modified ingredients.  Both the Yes and No side have digressed from this basic issue to introduce ‘safety’ with the supporters declaring GMO’s unsafe and proponents declaring that ‘science’ has proven these foods ‘safe’.   This leads to further debate since truly independent research on GMO’s is very limited to non-existent and industry provided research and study into the safety of GMO’s has only been provided by the companies that produce these crops and their seeds AND they only allow research on their products that is approved by them under the protocols they want.  Regardless, in relation to I-522 those arguments should be left out of the debate because clearly neither side has enough real information to declare an absolute.

The next issue is ‘trust’.  What and who do we trust?  Whose agenda (hidden or not) should we pay attention to?  Why would the Grocery Manufacturers Association try and hide the names of the companies that contributed money to defeat I-522?   Do these companies fear some type of consumer revolt if found out that they supported the defeat of this measure?  It certainly seems plausible especially when coupled against the backdrop of our recent US history with a clear distrust of Wall Street, big business, and government, or do they really fear exceptional costs when having to reformulate foods using Non-GMO ingredients?  Perhaps both, however, if not for the predisposed lack of ethics demonstrated by these companies and the elected representatives we might actually have reason to believe them.  Unfortunately for them, cynicism is ruling the day, though companies like Monsanto have only themselves and their corporate actions to blame.  What’s the solution?  The obvious one is to see these companies put some of their profits back into research that is conducted independently over a significant amount of time and having both sides accept the results – good or bad.  If bad, better to know now…if good, then that piece of the GMO argument goes away.  Is it relevant to labeling in Washington; not really but one more ‘cloud’ in the effort to make things unclear by opponents of the measure.

What about the environment?  How much dialogue is taking place regarding the impact of GMO’s on the planet?  The companies that produce the modified seeds (Monsanto, Dow, Bayer) claim that the environmental impacts are all positive.  In this case independent research has found that the impacts are not benign.  Resistant weeds and pests are becoming the norm and mono-crop planting has created soil problems.  The original touted benefits of less water, less herbicide, less pesticide, no longer are factual.  Not reassuring to say the least, but again not part of the measure in Washington.

Confused yet??  Welcome to the world of GMO’s.  One thing we can do to ‘clear the air’ is support I-522 in Washington and get the labeling requirement passed.  If you know that a food contains GMO’s and you consume it, that’s your choice and that’s to be respected.  Those that do not want GMO’s in their food should also be respected and should have an easy way to know.




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Academic and Activist urges Yes on I 522

Tomorrow’s vote in Washington regarding the labeling of GMO’s marks the next step in the battle over our food.  We wish the citizens of Washington the very best as they go to the polls.  In this article, Phil Bereano of the University of Washington outlines his concerns over GMO’s and why a YES on I 522 vote makes sense.   Phil Bereano, professor emeritus of technical

communication at the University of Washington, is an expert on the

ethical and social aspects of technology, and co-founder of AGRA-Watch,

which opposes the Gates Foundation’s work on genetically engineered

crops in Africa.  Here’s his article –
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Opponents of I-522 in Washington now have raised over $21 Million

It’s important to follow the money in order to better understand who is trying to keep GMO labeling from being approved by the voters in Washington State.  Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, CocaCola, PepsiCo, Nestle are a few of the huge names in food that are going out of their way to defeat I-522.   We’ll know in another week if their efforts were successful or if voters in Washington will step up and decide that they have changed the world.   Here’s a story on the money and where it’s coming from.  See for yourself –

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AP report links Monsanto chemicals to birth defects; disease in Argentina

Argentina went all in with Monsanto and GMO’s over a decade ago and now the negative health impact has been linked to the Monsanto’ chemicals.  The Associated Press just released their report and the story is here –

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Ocean Robbins and the latest on GMO’s

One of the guest speakers at our 30th Anniversary Party late last year, Ocean Robbins, has the latest on the fight against GMO’s in this article from the Huffington Post.  This article touches on the efforts by the Grocery Manufacturers Association to hide the identities of the donors to the No on I522 Campaign in Washington (Coca Cola, Nestle, PepsiCo) and the recent Mexican Government decision to stop GMO Corn cultivation in Mexico.  For the full article click here –

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Washington AG forces GMA to disclose No on I522 donors

The Washington State Attorney General filed a complaint against the Grocery Manufacturer’s Association regarding their $7Million donation to the No on I522 campaign in Washington regarding the labeling of GMO’s in foods.  The GMA was attempting to shield their members from public scrutiny by making the donation in their name instead of the manufacturers name.  This is unlawful under Washington State law so the GMA just released the names of these donor companies.  Coca Cola, Pepsi, Nestle, General Mills, etc. are among the biggest ‘NO’ donors; again trying to manipulate the will of the people against knowing what is in their food.  Here’s the full story –

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Washington State Attorney General files suit against Grocery Manufacturers Association

The Grocery Manufacturers Association faces a lawsuit for violating the State’s campaign finance laws associated with their efforts to defeat Initiative 522, the GMO labeling bill.   The GMA has provided $7Million in the effort to defeat this measure and the lack of disclosure of who provided this money to the GMA is the primary violation.  For more on this story, click here –