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The addictiveness of junk food! Check out this excerpt from a new book!

Unhealthy and highly processed junk food.  It’s everywhere since it seems so innocuous and simple.  However, the truth is that these snacks are quite ominous and not so simple.  We understand this and it’s one of the driving motivations for our creativity in coming up with new snacks that are healthier and lightly processed, if at all.   Part of the problem in the proliferation of these snacks that are undermining the health of consumer who is purchasing them is the lack of knowledge or awareness to these concerns.  That’s about to change!

The following article adapted from “Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us,” which will be published by Random House this month.   This excerpt should be enough to make sure that this book is on your reading list for this year.   Here’s the link from the NY Times,