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Opponents of 37 spending almost $1 Million per day to defeat measure

Let’s think about this.  Six of the largest chemical companies are spending almost $1M per day to defeat Prop 37.  That’s six board of directors and management teams ( a total of maybe 200 people ) trying to manipulate a piece of legislation that impacts the 8th largest economy in the world.  Whether or not the safety of GM foods concerns you, the idea that we would let such a small group of companies ( none based in California ) have this much influence over our food supply should be a concern. 

Support for 37 has declined a bit due to the negative advertising consumers are being exposed to.  Let’s not let that stop us.  On Tuesday, November 6, 2012 please cast your ballot in favor of 37.  Please VOTE YES on 37!,0,2778912.story