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‘No on 37’ campaign continues to mislead-In case you missed it!

The latest salvo by the ‘no’ folks is a press release entitled ‘In case you missed it’ which states that 34 newspaper editorial staffs have come out against Prop 37.  It suggests that we, the People, are missing something.  REALLY??  I don’t think so.  First off, 15 of those newspapers listed in the press release are owned by two media corporations, Media News Group and McClatchey Corp.  Those aren’t 15 independent editorial boards, those are only two editorial boards with big advertising and corporate ties to many of big business supporters of the ‘no’ campaign.  Here’s the link to the release so you can see for yourself.  Look up these newspapers and see ‘WHO’ is really speaking! 

FYI, the newspaper this misleading press release was published in was the Sacramento Bee, owned by the McClatchey Corporation.  As always, we must look deeper into the information being given us to get to the facts.

PROP 37 isn’t perfect but it’s not deceptive like the ‘no’ group wants to you to believe.  Not knowing what’s in your food and the food industry being willing to keep you in the dark is deceptive.  This November we ask you to join us in VOTING YES on PROP 37.