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Monsanto tries to discredit French study so we issue a challenge to Monsanto

Monsanto, today, released a response to the recent study that demonstrated the negative effects of long term use of GM foods.  In this response they claim that controls weren’t rigid enough, and that the results didn’t warrant the conclusions.  Wait, this is the same company that ‘buys’ the groups that are doing research that it doesn’t like.  This is the same company whose own studies have lacked the controls and transparency they claim are missing in this study.  This is also the same company that said Agent Orange was safe.  Visit the Monsanto site if you wish to see their ‘response’.  

We have a challenge.  If the foods they produce are so safe then let’s have a long term study independently funded but done with Monsanto scientists and management as the control groups.  One set of Monsanto employees can be fed Non-GMO for three years and the other group only GMO for three years.  IF absolutely no differences show up in that period of time, then we can consider other possibilities.  The folks that work at Monsanto shouldn’t be afraid of this, since they support it.  Let’s set the groups at 50 individuals each and get these volunteers signed up.  Let’s find an independent research group and do this. 

Come on Monsanto, step up to the plate.  Your CEO should be first and should volunteer for the GMO group.  Michael Taylor from the FDA can also be one of the GMO group subjects.  What could you possibly be scared of???