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Look how the No campaign uses the newspapers to try and mislead you!

Here’s a link to the Sacramento Bee’s online page that posts unedited press releases from PR Newswire.  This is an example of how the No campaign is spending their money.  They are trying to tell you that newspaper editorial staffs are all against Prop 37.  There is a lot of money tied up in advertising, including money from many of the No campaign primary funding sources.  These editorial staffs are not policy experts, nor scientists.  Most of the arguments they present involve litigation.  Prop 37, like all legislation, will be challenged.  That’s not an issue as the opportunity to clear up some language exists.  What is clear that this is what people want.  These newspaper editorial staffs cannot be ignoring that unless they are being pressured.   That’s the simple truth…

Do not let the will of the People be manipulated.  We all deserve to know what is in our food.  Please VOTE YES on PROP 37 this NOVEMBER.