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Idaho Fish and Game halts wolf extermination program!

Idaho Fish and Game (IFG), rather than defend their actions in court, decided to end an controversial decision to trap and kill two packs of wolves in an area of Idaho that has had a decline in the elk herds.  Defenders of Wildlife and it’s partners were instrumental in pressuring Idaho Fish and Game to cancel the program before facing a judge in Federal Court.  The IFG program went against US Fish and Game policy and that likely played into the decision to pull the program instead of addressing their policy in court.  Unfortunately, while this issue made its way through the justice system, 9 wolves were killed. 


of Wildlife President Jamie Rappaport Clark provides the

following statement:


it is great news that this extermination program has ended,

tragically it still resulted in the loss of nine wolves in a

wilderness area that should have been a safe haven for them,

if the U.S. Forest Service had complied with its own

policies and procedures,”  said Jamie Rappaport Clark,

president and CEO of Defenders of Wildlife. “Ending this

unfounded assault on wolves which was designed to benefit a

few outfitters grants a reprieve to the remaining members of

the Golden and Monumental wolf packs, and is hopefully a

first step in permanently stopping such wolf pack

eradication efforts in the future.”

SunRidge Farms is a strong supporter of Defenders of Wildlife and we make significant donations to Defenders each year in support of their mission.  We hope that you’ll take the time to find out more at

For additional information on this story, see this from the Idaho Statesman –