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Glyphosphate concerns grow!

The use of glyphosphate ( Monsanto’s RoundUP ) is growing and the result is superweeds that are decimating farms.  Why is glyphosphate so popular?  It is used in conjunction with GMO crops as a money saver by not having to till land between crops, reduce labor costs from hand weeding, and increase profit.  Unfortunately, those savings are very short lived and now the weeds are winning.  Rather than design a sustainable farming effort (rotation of crops, using real labor to handle weeds, and NonGMO seeds), American farmers continue to create more food problems for the future.  They must use increasing amounts of herbicide as well as different chemicals in massive doses to fight off these resistant weeds which repeats the cycle.  All of this, as the following article documents, so that the farmer gains another 10 years before other problems arise.  Such short term thinking threatens all of us because our future generations (10, 20, 50, 100, 500 years) will be at risk due to a lack of willingness to utilize more labor intensive practices that will actually take care of the problem and reduce the long term environmental impact.  Whether or not you believe that GM foods are harmful to the body, it IS clear that they are destructive to the environment.  Here’s more –