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Gates Foundation has it wrong with GMO

Bill Gates is an enigma to me.  The Gates Foundation is doing some amazing thing in preventable disease efforts throughout the world and the foundation is funded by a promise of Bill’s to give away 95% of his wealth.  That wealth was created and it still being created by Microsoft Corp., so the ability of the foundation to make incredible contributions in the future to various projects appears very strong.  Here’s a link to a story and video of a recent interview with Bill Gates and some of the foundation’s activities – 

 I applaud many of his efforts, but I disagree strongly with his stance on GMO’s.  It’s why he puzzles me so much.  His stance on GMO’s is much like his Window’s product.  It’s such a ‘cool’ technical thing he’s willing to overlook bugs and hiccups thinking the benefits outweigh the risks and we’ll figure it out with a large sample pool and then offer fixes.  Instead of software and a pool of technology neophytes to hold sway over, it’s human lives being risked, the very ones he’s proclaiming to be saving.  Please pay attention to GMO’s and the impact we are already seeing in humans and write the Gates Foundation and encourage them to look at alternatives to GMO’s.