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DDT Doctor Caught Misrepresenting Stanford AGAIN

It’s clear how it works.  If you wave enough money around, you can skirt the facts to try and sway public opinion.  The opponents of Prop 37 have this history and it’s clear they have no ethics.  Can people really live with themselves when they sell the human race short in order to make money??  It’s not a rational trade and it’s disappointing.  Let’s not let fear and lies get in the way of providing a simple way for people to choose the foods they want to eat.  Let’s label our foods correctly!  Please VOTE YES on 37!

DDT Doctor Caught Misrepresenting Stanford AGAIN

California Voters – You have an unprecedented chance to take control of your health by ensuring that you know what is in your foods.  In doing so, you will provide the impetus for additional human trials/long term studies for GM foods and, in the mean time, be able to determine what foods contain GM foods so that you have the ability to choose whether or not to buy them.  On November 6, 2012 please take the time to VOTE YES on 37 to ensure we all have this choice.