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Corporate Doublespeak – Nestle supports GMO labeling EXCEPT in California – FACT

We have a very simple way of looking at GM: listen to what the

consumer wants. If they don’t want it in products, you don’t put it in

said Hans Jor, corporate head of sustainable agriculture at Nestle, according to Food Production Daily.

This is Nestle’s public stance, yet they’ve just donated $1.16 Million to the opponents of Prop 37.  Confused yet???  This is also what Mr. Jor said, “genetically modified food is unnecessary to feed the world and the food

industry would reap more benefits from using resources more sustainably

and employing other techniques.”

Want to know more?  Please visit the California Right to Know website and see the story here –

California Voters – PLEASE VOTE YES on PROP 37 this November.