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What’s killing the bees?

Honeybee’s are good.  We know this since about 80% of our food supply is pollinated by bees.  Honeybee’s are also dying at incredible rates each year; so much so that our food supply is at risk.  The US Government has a take on the colony collapse that is happening and here’s their report,

Simply put, regardless the reason for the decline in bee populations, we have to take this seriously and realize that if pollinators go away so do humans.  All of need to be aware of our actions that contribute to the bee decline.  One of those factors is GM (genetically modified) crops.  How much of a factor seems to be under debate but, regardless, these crops have a negative impact on bee colonies.  What is really difficult to fathom is why a company like Monsanto fears research?  Recently we shared a story about a bee research company that had produced research implicating Monsanto’s products as a leading contributor to colony collapse disorder.  What happened to that company and that research?  It was bought by Monsanto!   Coincidence??   We think not….