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SunRidge Farms urges all California Voters to embrace PROP 37

What is PROPOSITION 37??  In our view, PROP 37, is one of the most critical referendums ever introduced by the people.  This is the first time that legislation regarding the labeling of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) has been able to be submitted to the ballot for vote in the USA.  To understand how big this is, you have to realize that companies like Monsanto have fought legislation, tooth and nail for years, to keep public awareness of GMO’s to a minimum.

Why would this be??  What could Monsanto be afraid of??  If the products that Monsanto makes are perfectly safe, then why wouldn’t they want all food items to reflect that??

GMO’s aren’t safe, that’s why!!!  SunRidge Farms is a substantial supporter of the Institute for Responsible Technology.  Here’s a link to their site which provides a clear picture of these dangers,

Clearly many Californian’s feel the same way!  Well over a million signatures were gathered in order for PROP 37 to make the ballot.  This is from the people, not our lawmakers.  If they had tried, Monsanto would have quashed it.  We, the people, can not let that happen.  I refuse to be bought by Monsanto and so should you.  Make sure to contact your representatives and explain to them your expectations.  Your health, your children’s health, etc. are too valuable to leave to chance.  Please take the time to educate yourself to the facts and VOTE YES ON 37!!

Remember, California is the world’s 8th largest economy.  As goes California, so goes the rest of USA and eventually, the world.  Monsanto will be doing everything in their power to create controversy and confusion.  Please do not let them fool you.  There is a reason that Monsanto has been labeled ‘The most evil company in the world’. 

Thank you for supporting SunRidge Farms and we look forward to being part of your families healthy food lifestyle!