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How to make your own Custom Granola!

Custom made Granola tutorial:


This is for you granola nuts out there ( hehe see what I did there?) and all of you who want a quick snack ready to go in your pantry. It’s difficult to find the perfect granola, sometimes it’s too crunchy, or not crunchy enough. Maybe you like it all except for the cranberries, because you don’t fancy cranberries. I UNDERSTAND. Well, I have fantastic news for you! This is your very own tutorial on how to make your own Granola! You can put all the almonds or chocolate chips in you want, we won’t judge! This is YOUR custom made snack.


Let’s get started: See recipe below for measurements


Step one: There’s two options here, so take your pick on how to cook the granola. Either start with preheating the oven to 275 degrees OR plug in your slow cooker and set to High once ingredients are placed inside.


Step two: Grab your preferred granola ingredients. Our recommendation is starting with a base, for example: Rolled oats, Flaked almonds, etc. Then grab some nuts or seeds that you like such as: almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts. Next try adding some other treats like coconut shreds, raisins, cranberries, other dried fruits,

or even chocolate chips, etc.

TIP: add chocolate and fruit after granola is cooked if you don’t want them to melt.


Step three: Place all of your ingredients into a bowl. And now it’s time to spice it up! Pick a few spice flavors that you would like in your granola. Some options are: cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cardamom, lemon zest and more. Mix and match to your liking.


Step four: Pick a sweet. Think about how sweet you want your granola, and then add your sweet source accordingly. You can use sugar, honey, agave syrup or maple syrup. Next choose an oil, there’s no wrong choice but usually unflavored oils are best. Something like coconut oil or grapeseed oil will work nicely. Pour over nuts and oats, and mix all the ingredients together.

TRICK: To make a crunchier granola beat an egg white and stir into your mixture.


Step five: Awesome, you’re almost done! Now spread your granola mix onto a piece of parchment paper on a baking sheet, or in your slow cooker. If its on a baking sheet place inside the oven for 10-15 minutes to bake, stirring occasionally. If in slow cooker, push high heat for 30 min, stirring occasionally to prevent burning.


Step six: Remove and let sit to cool. Enjoy! Put granola on yogurt, cereal, smoothies or just enjoy it by itself as a snack!


Easy Coconut Vanilla  Granola Recipe (yields 5 cups)


  • 1 cup thinly sliced or chopped almonds
  • ⅓ cup honey
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • ⅓ cup coconut oil
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 egg (optional)