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Good News! SunRidge Farms now has more products than ever before available online!

SunRidge Farms welcomes you to explore our products section as we have begun to expand our web presence to more accurately reflect the breadth of items we offer. Click here to begin –

Here’s a brief FAQ regarding the changes:

Q. Are all of SunRidge Farms items listed?

A. No, but we’re adding more daily…

Q. Can I buy any item online?

A. Eventually!  We’re releasing additional items for purchase each week.  If an item can’t be loaded to the cart you can call 831.786.7000 and ask for sales.

Q. I can’t find an image for one of the items I’m looking for?

A. We’re in the process of updating photos/images of all of our items.  Give us a little time…we’re updating the nutritional panels as well!

Q. We’re sure you make this item but I can’t find it?

A. It’s possible the item isn’t on our site yet or we might even have a glitch…send us a note or give us a call and we’ll investigate.  This is a big project for us and we’re going to have a few bugs to fix.

Thanks and enjoy our SunRidge Farms items!