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GE Foods Shorten Life – Peer reviewed long term study shows!

It’s becoming ever more clear that GM foods are not what Monsanto and others have claimed.  Take a look at the first long term study on GM foods that was independently funded, peer reviewed, and published.  This was published in the Huffington Post.

One of the questions raised in this article is why it’s taken so long to get a study of this type.  Take a look at the donors of the No on 37 Campaign and you’ll understand.  These companies have throttled research, especially in the US.  Why???  Well we’d have to use sodium pentothal (truth serum) in order for the real reasons to come out (profit, greed, power, fear).  Why fear??  Because the concerns that these foods may actually cause harm is something they know about and that knowledge is being withheld for the sake of profits and at the expense of you.  This is no different than Big Tobacco.  By limited research, Monsanto and others hope to hide behind the lack of information in limiting their liability in future actions.  That might have worked in the 1950’s but information is being more liberally transmitted now and they won’t be able to hide the facts.  It’s clearly a slap in the face to all Americans and something that we simply shouldn’t tolerate.  Whether or not you are a Californian, this issue impacts you directly.  Please support PROPOSITION 37 in California this November and VOTE YES for labeling of GM foods.