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Contact Information for Michael R. Taylor at the FDA

Who is Michael R. Taylor? Well, as the FDA’s Deputy Commissioner for Foods, he is the person supposed to be ensuring that the FDA fulfill it’s mission. His personal quote regarding his role is this – “Protecting the food supply, making it safe, making it nutritious, is one of the most fundamental duties of government.”

Did you know that he has been involved with and/or worked with Monsanto since 1981? In any arena the possibility of conflict of interest would be obvious but we’ve all learned how Washington and Wall Street do business and if ‘conflict of interest’ helps protect profits then those concerns are put aside. Well, the latest long term study of genetically engineered foods casts tremendous doubt on the safety of said foods. What Mr. Taylor decides to do now will clearly indicate his bias. There is no thinking that has to be done here. GE foods need to be stopped until additional long term research ( independently funded, peer reviewed ) is accomplished. Let’s weigh in directly to Mr. Taylor our thoughts and our demands as US Citizens and consumers. He works for us, not Monsanto and if he hears enough he’ll have to act. His action might be to resign so that he can deny any culpability in his role over the years or he can do the right thing. He really has only those two choices and we must hold him responsible and accountable.

Feel free to call, fax, or email Michael R. Taylor at the FDA. Here’s his contact info:

301-796-4500 office

301-847-3535 fax

[email protected]

Attention California Voters – Please support PROP 37 this November by voting YES