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California Ballot Measure Creates Largest GMO Free Zone in USA

An area measuring over 13,000 square miles has been approved by voters in Sonoma County California as GMO Free.  GMO crops will be phased out over 2 years, restoring agricultural practices that will support a healthier environment and reduce mono crop style of farming.  For more detail on this story, see more here at ––naa-anna-lisa-laca/

SunRidge Farms supports agricultural efforts to reduce the proliferation of GMO crops, increase acreage of organic crops, and the reduced use of dangerous chemicals in the agricultural industry.  Only 1% of USA agriculture is organic yet demand is over 6% and growing.  That means that companies like ours need to purchase many organic foods/ingredients overseas which costs more, increases the carbon footprint, and keeps jobs out of the USA, especially in the heartland.  More organic crops means more jobs right here in the USA, better feed for our livestock, better food for our people, and a healthier lifestyle.  Let’s come together and fight for change that makes sense for all of us.