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Backpacking and SunRidge Farms

June 1 rolled around on the calendar and thoughts of dusting off the pack and gear have started crossing my mind.  Sierra Nevada snowpack is still at record levels which means that the high country will be a bit tougher to get to but that water will be abundant and wild flowers will be in bloom until the end of July in many spots.  One thing about backpacking, at least for me, is that I’m not a minimalist.  Going ultra light is a fine practice but if I’m only out for 2 or 3 days I’m going to eat like a king.  I like lobster, skirt steak, salmon, or fresh trout for my meals.   A wineskin full of a nice Merlot is a real treat at 8500 feet around a small campfire as part of a gourmet meal.  I know this sounds a bit crazy but meals like this are typical for me in the backwoods.  I don’t cheat myself with my snacks either.  Used to be I would create my own blends of trail mix by trying to come up with ingredients that I would find and that worked OK, but enter SunRidge Farms and I no longer had to be that creative.  Try and find better trail mixes!  Antioxidant Mix (with berries and chocolate), Mountain Rainbow Mix, Hit the Trail Mix, Cranberry Jubilee, and Chocolate Nut Crunch are but a few of the standard mixes found in the bulk bins of both small and larger grocers throughout the country.  You simply must try these snacks!  You’ll find at least one that will become a staple for your treks in the backcountry as well as the journey to your office most other days.   Remember that buying in bulk reduces waste from packaging, allows you to buy only what you need, and saves you money!   SunRidge Farms also produces some of their products in prepackaged bags with lockable seals which makes for convenient storage and carry if you prefer.  For information on the advantages of buying bulk, visit the Bulk is Green council at

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Confused by what is Organic or All Natural? You are not alone.

The food industry moves so fast now that it often overwhelms the consumer and front line retail workers. The purchase of a brand by a major food conglomerate and subsequent ingredient change often is missed by the buyers of these products. Trying to ensure that the label is consistent with the true source of the ingredients is a tedious process but absolutely necessary. Manufacturers do a great job of that but don’t necessarily do as great a job of ensuring that this information makes its way to the distributors and/or buyers who may be unaware that the product they’ve been purchasing for years has now changed. Sometimes regulations create a new category or push a product from one category to another. A great article on the issues the industry is struggling with can be found at this link,

SunRidge Farms is a manufacturer and distributor of bulk foods and snacks from both the organic and all natural category.  Visit our products section to see our line of prepackaged products available for purchase on the web here,

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More information on how buying bulk stretches your food budget

Buying in bulk is becoming more of a standard practice in many households as rising prices force shoppers to consider ways to save money at the grocery store.  You’re doing good for the environment with reduced packaging and waste too.  This recent article in the News Tribune in Tacoma, WA helps educate consumers on this trend –

Check out our SunRidge Farms bulk items at your favorite grocer and see how good shopping in bulk can taste.

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Mollie Stone’s Markets and SunRidge Farms

Northern California boasts some fine grocery retailers.  These stores have the advantage of being located near some of the world’s finest agricultural land and an educated population that demands organic and all natural foods.  Mollie Stone’s Markets, with eight locations, has risen to meet this demand.  In keeping with their mission they strive to conduct business with local suppliers.  SunRidge Farms is especially pleased with the partnership that has been established with Mollie Stone’s Markets,

Visit the Mollie Stone’s Markets website to find locations in Northern California and see what else this fine purveyor of foods can offer you!

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Information on interpreting the ingredients label

Here’s a quick reference to labeling for organic and all natural products:

100% organic: All

organic ingredients produced without synthetic fertilizers, pesticides,

herbicides or sewage sludge; growth hormones or antibiotics in

livestock; food irradiation or genetically modified organisms; and

farmers adhere to soil and water conservation methods and to rules about

the humane treatment of animals

Organic: At least 95

percent organic ingredients; remaining 5 percent can be approved

nonorganic ingredients, such as citric acid and baking powder, or

approved nonorganic agricultural ingredients when they’re not available

in organic form

Made with organic ingredients: At least 70% organic ingredients. The label must identify both organic and nonorganic ingredients

100% natural; all-natural; natural: Not federally regulated

Source: Oregon Tilth

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Go Green and Beyond with SunRidge Farms