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Lynda and Kidz Backpack Project for the children of Santa Cruz County

The Lynda and Kidz Backpack

Project: Packing Life into Giving  –
For the 9th year in a row, my kids and I are collecting

backpacks and $35 donations to provide fully stuffed

backpacks to homeless/low income children through

the Santa Cruz Shelter, Walnut Avenue Women’s

Shelter and Elm Street Mission. Last year, through

the generosity of many companies and individuals, we

were able to pack and deliver 212 backpacks to

assist families in crisis throughout Santa Cruz

County. This year we are hoping to distribute 250.

How to find us:

Email: [email protected]





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Memorial Day; Summer Coming

It was funny walking into the office today.  Clearly, the weather has improved everyone’s moods as it is simply beautiful outside in Santa Cruz and it looks to stay that way for a bit.   I think everyone is looking forward to Memorial Day Weekend as well.  Just want to make sure that we reflect on those that have served and died as members of our Armed Forces.  Whether you agree or disagree with any of the decisions made by our Commander’s in Chief over the last 200 + years, those that actually carried out their orders and made the ultimate sacrifice deserve our respect and honor.

Now that Summer is around the corner, we’re entering a great time of the year.  It’s time to get the camping gear out, plan a trip to the beach or mountains, and enjoy.  Here in California, we have amazing opportunities to get outdoors all of the time but summer is pretty special.  From surfing to backpacking and everything in between it’s time to play.   You’re going to need healthy energy to enjoy these activities and that’s why I wanted to mention SunRidge Farms’ snack and trail mixes, dried fruits and candies.  These fantastic products are for your healthy lifestyle and that’s what really differentiates us from other ‘food companies’.  Yes, we sell food – good foods, healthier foods, better ingredients, but what we really are after is improving your lifestyle by educating you on the choices you have for foods, the choices growers are making to ensure better crops are available and how you can avoid eating foods that have the potential to cause harm.  We live by these lifestyle choices and choose to operate the company in this manner.   Evaluate your food suppliers and really see what you’re eating.  Use this summer to become healthier and better educated on staying that way.  Let’s keep the American Dream strong by doing what is right and ethical, educate those around us to their betterment, and move with dignity in our dealings with each other.

From all of us at SunRidge Farms!

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SunRidge Farms Dried Tropical Fruit scores 90 on Food Facts Health Scale

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Monsanto buys Bee Research firm that links them to bee population declines

At SunRidge Farms we try to bring awareness, to the public, of companies promoting Genetically Modified Foods (GMO) so that you can decide for yourself whether or not you wish to allow those foods to be part of your diet.  It’s not just the food that’s of concern, it’s the production and the continued ability to produce these crops that sustain our world’s population.  Imagine losing the bees and the ability to pollinate??

Read further here and see why we stand against companies like this –

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Supermarket Chain reduces daily waste by 93% since 2007

In honor of Earth Day 2012 coming up in a few weeks we’re looking at other companies efforts to reduce their impact to the environment.  Supervalu, Inc., one of the nation’s largest Supermarkets has done an incredible job to reduce daily store waste.  See this story here:
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Earth Day 2012 – new possibilities, greater challenges

What do we see in our minds as we look out over the next 20 years?  The next 50? How is the planet as we know it going to change in this short period?   MIT has just predicted social and economic collapse as early as 2030.  That’s only 18 years away!

Let’s hope that things aren’t that dire, but even if the prediction is off by years the impact by humans on the planet’s resources is without question.  Swelling populations, an emerging global middle class, and the resulting basic needs AND material desires have begun to seriously impact the global economy.  Since there is no turning off this engine, the question is how can we get closer to reusing/recycling almost everything we use?

In parts of the country plastic bags have been banned at retail stores and paper bags cost $.10 each.  Inconvenient??  Maybe, but already I’ve noticed myself reusing the paper bags I already have 6-7 times before they get too beat up and I have to recycle them.   Studies are showing that growing foods organically is as cost effective or better than commercial farming methods.  Shopping the local farmers market is always a good idea.  Learning to use raised farm beds for growing your own an even better idea.  Check out Marshall Loskot’s plans for raised beds,   His are on platforms allowing him to move his wheelchair around and tend his garden that way.  For able bodied folk, these beds allow for immediate organic farming methods to be accomplished without the stooping and bending over associated with traditional farming.  Fewer pest issues and few pathogens are also part of the benefits of farming more than 18 inches above the ground.

One last way to have a positive impact and something that we, at SunRidge Farms feel very strongly about, is that of bulk food buying.  We hope it’s our products for our efforts to source only high quality, sustainable, organic and Non-GMO foods and ingredients but recognizing that it’s bigger than just us.  Buying in bulk reduces packaging costs significantly, thereby reducing the planetary impact on resources to produce that packaging.  Those cost savings are passed on to the consumer so you get better pricing in bulk.  When shipping products across the country, bulk items create more efficiencies leading to a reduced emissions impact by the service industry.  This is just a few examples.   To find out more, visit Bulk is Green at or

Take the steps today to plan for the future and do your part to minimize your impact on our planet.  Remember, it’s Earth Day every day!

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Where have all the Monarch butterfly’s gone?? Time to rid ourselves of Round Up

Where are they?  The Monarchs are in steep decline and the link is Monsanto’s Round Up.  There more on that story here,

It doesn’t stop there – Per the USDA ( United States Department of Agriculture ) over 90% of the soybean, and 70% of the corn crop is herbicide resistant.  So, even the modified crops are requiring more and more herbicide.  This is a problem.

We can make a difference.  Demand that all products that contain GMO ingredients be labeled.  Once you know, stop buying or buy less of those products until they change.

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Eating better even more important now

As we move further into the 21st Century we’re realizing that cheap fuel is essentially gone, as is cheap labor.  These two pressures alone will impact our food bills in the very near future.    For many, an extra $10 in the gas tank is $10 less to spend on food.  The possibility becomes eating foods that cost less and often have nutritional shortcomings.  Let’s not let that become a choice for any of us.  The benefits of eating healthier foods far outweigh any tangible fiscal benefit by a large margin and reducing the chance of long term health costs associated with poor diet provides even a more practical argument to ensure good foods are in your body.

Here’s how to eat better for less money –

1) Shop in Bulk – No, I’m not talking the big warehouse stores here…these are the bulk bins you find at your local grocer.  In some cases 30-40% of the cost of food is in the packaging.  You only pay for the actual food when buying bulk, and you can buy only as much as you plan to cook or eat.

2) Buy locally farmed products.  If the vegetables and fruits you like are grown locally, then chances are you have riper, better harvested and stored produce.  In addition, very little fuel was used to get the produce to the store which should translate into better pricing.  Better food, less cost – good deal.

3) Eating healthier also leads to eating less.  Over-consumption, related to empty calories often leads to overeating.  A meal at a fast food establishment might offer 1000 calories but very little nutrition.  The same few dollars at the local market will mean fewer calories ingested but much better use of those calories by the body.

These are just a few tips to eating better.  Try these tips today and you’ll see for yourself.