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The case for Prop 37 in the LA Times

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Washing your hands after planting GMO seeds isn’t to get the dirt off!

While the battle for GMO labeling heats up, we found this little story in the Santa Monica Community College newspaper that offers some basic insight into the measure.  How do we know that we might want to consider a different approach than GMO?  The article says it best – “In the field, GM has to be treated as a pesticide, because pesticide is

built into it, so you have to wash your hands after planting the seed,”

said King. “The plant itself is the pesticide so you wouldn’t want it

on yourself, but at some point it’s harvested and, suddenly, it’s food.”

I don’t remember ever having to wash my hands after planting my spring garden, except to get the dirt off.  This particular statement drove home the GMO point for me.  Pesticide built in and suddenly after harvesting it’s food??  Common sense and appropriate science tell me that this isn’t a good idea.  I say appropriate science since the offerings of the GMO companies leave a lot to the imagination in regards to quality protocols and rigorous safety monitoring.  I also never hear of any Monsanto executives willing to eat only a GMO based diet. 

Enjoy this article –

California Voters – Let’s change the world…VOTE YES on PROP 37 this November

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‘No on 37’ campaign continues to mislead-In case you missed it!

The latest salvo by the ‘no’ folks is a press release entitled ‘In case you missed it’ which states that 34 newspaper editorial staffs have come out against Prop 37.  It suggests that we, the People, are missing something.  REALLY??  I don’t think so.  First off, 15 of those newspapers listed in the press release are owned by two media corporations, Media News Group and McClatchey Corp.  Those aren’t 15 independent editorial boards, those are only two editorial boards with big advertising and corporate ties to many of big business supporters of the ‘no’ campaign.  Here’s the link to the release so you can see for yourself.  Look up these newspapers and see ‘WHO’ is really speaking! 

FYI, the newspaper this misleading press release was published in was the Sacramento Bee, owned by the McClatchey Corporation.  As always, we must look deeper into the information being given us to get to the facts.

PROP 37 isn’t perfect but it’s not deceptive like the ‘no’ group wants to you to believe.  Not knowing what’s in your food and the food industry being willing to keep you in the dark is deceptive.  This November we ask you to join us in VOTING YES on PROP 37.

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Opposition forced to pull an ad due to misleading public!

A perfect example of the lengths that the ‘no’ on 37 campaign is willing to go is this ad where the opposition tried to infer that one of their advocates was a Stanford professor.  The deception and lies are the trademark of these companies trying to block this measure.  Here are the facts –

California Voters – Please VOTE YES on PROP 37 this November

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Letters to the editor – UT San Diego Newspaper

Several major newspapers have come out against Prop 37 with their editorial staff.  What I find amusing is how quickly the readers find the faults and inaccuracies of the Op/Ed stances.  These are supposed to be journalists yet they use sources that turn out to be propaganda houses.  Take a look at these letters to the editor:

California Voters – Please VOTE YES on Prop 37 this November

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Opposition has deep pockets, but Consumers are savvy!

Though the opposition keeps spending outrageous sums of money to mislead you, the consumers are seeing through the smokescreen.  Here’s good article that again outlines the real concerns of our foods and why labeling makes sense.

California Voters – Please VOTE YES on Prop 37 this November

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Who really should ‘fear’ Prop 37

Whose afraid of Prop 37??  Well it’s clear that Monsanto, Dow, and a few others are frightened to death.   They’ve brought this upon themselves though, so we shouldn’t feel too bad for them.  It’s great that leadership in some of these companies is old school and hasn’t yet learned their lessons from the tobacco industry.   No way that negative information doesn’t leak out in this day and age.  Thank you Google! Yahoo! Netscape! AOL! and all of the others.  Add in Twitter and Facebook and we know almost instantly when these companies are trying to play games with us.   It’s pretty clear why they are afraid, but I want us to realize ‘how’ we made them afraid and where our efforts to direct this ‘fear’ should manifest next.

California’s ballot initiative process is unique.  PROP 37 is a perfect example of the power of the initiative process.  We, the People, put this forward – not the politicians, not the lobbyists.  We bypassed the ‘garbage’ that sits in Sacramento and put what we wanted to the voters.  We should be examining and learning from PROP 37’s ups and downs so that we can create even more ballot initiatives that put more power in our hands.  Our legislature has been inept for decades in California…NO WORRIES…let’s take the decision making out of their hands.   Just because something has been done for a long time a certain way, doesn’t mean that we can ‘t look at different alternatives.  It’s time for our elected officials to rally around the people and not lobbyists or influential donors.  Let’s make sure that their fears are realized by VOTING YES ON PROP 37!

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Trying to understand what’s important about Prop 37

I’m voting YES on Prop 37.  Am I biased working for a natural foods company?  Probably yes, but not in the manner you might think.  As anyone who knows me, I don’t just do something for the sake of doing something.   Discerning fact from fiction in the genetically modified foods arena is difficult since research is truly limited, especially as it relates to human impacts.  No, I’m biased because of my personal experiences with these foods and what has happened since I found ways to limit their intake in to my body.  What is particularly relevant to me is that the improvements in my health appear to be directly related to the food choices I was making.  The choice to change came at the recommendation of a friend, not because I had educated myself on these foods.   Now, having spent quite a bit of time researching  GM foods and finding evidence of that suggests that we should be concerned, it’s easier for me to ensure I eat right.  Even more poignant, the chronic disease/condition I had been diagnosed with was not in evidence at my last checkup.  No disease found!!  This is a condition that I had for almost 20 years and does not have a cure, per the doctor.  These positive results have not been for just me.  My doctor has encouraged his other patients to take this approach and though he cannot divulge too much per patient/doctor privacy laws he has told me that he has seen benefits to others.  It mirrors the same experience I’ve had with my own family.  Simply put, there is too much personal evidence for me to buy into the industry’s stipulation that GM foods are completely safe.  Your personal experience may or may not be the same.  Just because you aren’t showing signs now of issues associated with GM foods doesn’t mean the damage isn’t being done.  It also may be that these foods won’t harm a certain percentage of people too.  That being said –

What is important about Prop 37?  In a nutshell it’s information.  It took me quite a while to understand how to find foods that have not been modified or don’t contain modified ingredients.  It should be simple and the labeling provision of Prop 37 is the best solution at this time.  Is it perfect?  No, but it does the job of providing a means for the consumer to better understand their food choices.  I’m grateful that California had a process in place to get a piece of legislation on to the ballot that represents what a majority of people want.

On November 6, we get a chance to make our voice heard.   I hope you’ll join me in a resounding YES VOTE on 37.  Regardless, I also hope you’ll make the choice to eat better foods and help your body take care of itself.  That much I can stand behind, politics aside.