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UCLA Biologist claims Prop 37 anti-science

What I can’t figure out is how anyone can make out Prop 37 as

‘anti-science’?   IF the scientific data presented by Monsanto, Dow, and

DuPont was ‘actual and rigorous’ science then most of us having issues

with GM foods either wouldn’t ( because the foods are actually safe ) or

would ( because the foods aren’t safe ).  The fact is simply that the

‘science’ produced by these companies does not meet basic standards for

controls; is not independently funded.  No controls and self funded? 

That’s not science.

Therefore, being against PROP 37 isn’t

anti-science whatsoever.   What we want is labeling!!  Prove to us with

unbiased research that GM foods are safe for me to consume, safe for the

environment, and unquestionably more sustainable than conventional and

organic methods then I’m willing to trust the ‘science’.  Without this

assurance, we can only assume that these companies are more interested

in their profits than the health and wellness of the individual

consuming their products.

PLEASE VOTE YES on Prop 37 this November