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Demand for Non GMO Foods by consumers starting to have a positive impact!

We’ve been concerned about GMO’s since they were introduced to the food chain about the time we got our start in the food business.  In that time we’ve witnessed the proliferation of these crops and felt the true impact as we had to continue to seek out new farmers and suppliers that maintained organic and conventional methods of growing and harvesting in order to ensure our commitment to the planet and provide Non GMO foods to our customers.   We learned early on, directly from the farmers, that the claims of higher yields and no environmental impacts were not accurate.  That knowledge is now reaching more consumers which is forcing distributors and suppliers to meet their demands for unmodified foods.  The people are speaking – and farmers and businesses are starting to listen.  It behooves all of us to continue to encourage the best farming methods possible; those that positively impact mother earth.

This story from Wired online magazine entitled ‘Not On My Dinner Plate’ touches on this subject in more detail.

Let’s keep up the pressure and make our communities stronger and healthier by ensuring that Non GMO Foods, and preferably Organic, are the cornerstone of your diet.