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Zesty Apple Mango Warmin Mornin Granola – take the chill out of the start of the day!

Warm Food Cold Morning

The final days of fall are upon us and in some places already gone.  A touch of snow or frost often greets you as wake up, look outside, and prepare for the day. 

These are the times that typically call for a good hot bowl of oatmeal and a steaming mug of coffee or tea to help warm the mind, body, and soul.  Another way to tackle the morning chill is to eat our new Zesty Apple Mango Warmin Mornin Granola and let this enchanting granola spiced with red chile heat you from the inside.  Make no mistake, it does have a little kick and will quickly take the chill off.  Try it in organic whole milk, almond milk, or yogurt.  If your hot shower didn’t quite wake you up, we’re confident that a few bites of Warmin Mornin will fix that.  Stop by your favorite grocers bulk bin section and pick some up today or any one of our many other granola options.  Oh, and we also have a variety of oatmeal to consider as well.  Let SunRidge Farms become your go to breakfast provider.