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SunRidge Farms snacks are Mom and Kid approved!

SunRidge Farms is committed to producing snacks and foods that are better for you while doing the least amount of harm to the Earth.  We hope this stance and message are important to you but sometimes it’s best left to others to express this message.  Check out this story from a recent product review by this blogger –

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Dare to Pair and support Cabrillo College Culinary Arts

Coming up on May 1st is a fantastic event in Santa Cruz that I hope I can take part in.  Previous attendees assure me that it is well worth it.  Dare to Pair is an event put on by Surf City Vintners and Culinary Arts Students from Cabrillo Community College that encompasses wine tasting and appetizers prepared by the students.  Wine tasting in Santa Cruz County is a growing phenomenon due to the quality of vintages and the incredible location.  Check out the details here,

Oh yeah, besides the fine wine and food, all proceeds benefit the Culinary Arts Program at Cabrillo.  What a way to spend what will likely be a sparkling day here on the coast.  We hope to see you out there.

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Mountain Rainbow Mix and hike in Nisene Marks

I have a new trail mix favorite.  This one will move towards the top of your list too, because it’s that good.  My first sampling of this mix was late last week as I took walk in the redwoods of Nisene Marks, a California State Park located in Aptos, CA.  The park offers 10,000 acres of rugged semi-wilderness, rising from sea level to steep coastal mountains of more than 2,600 feet. The site of logging operations until the 1920s, visitors can still find evidence of logging operations, mill sites and trestles in the park.  There are 30 miles of trails nestled in this second growth forest, which are perfect for hiking, mountain biking, or a leisurely stroll. I had always wanted to visit the epicenter of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake and with a little effort you can hike right to it.  Take Aptos Creek Trail off of the main fireroad at the bottom of the incline and it’s about a half mile in.  There is still evidence of the quake with trees laying on their sides but not much else suggesting a 7.1 shaking that resonates with anyone who was part of it.  More info on Nisene Marks is available here,   Since I started the hike at the entrance, I had walked a bit over 3 miles before I came to the trailhead so I was hungry.  Grabbing the bag of SunRidge Farms Mountain Rainbow Mix, I tore open the package and began devouring this divine mix of the incredible new Rainbow Drops, peanut butter peanuts, raisins, and more.   Sitting on a moss covered rock, under a large second growth redwood with a gentle mist filtering up through the canyon, I couldn’t help but notice as the sun briefly showed itself and highlighted the spot I was sitting and snacking.  It was peaceful, refreshing, and spiritual.  Those of you who have hiked in the redwoods know what I’m talking about.  Hope to see you on the trails!  Just be sure to bring something tasty along to eat.  That’s where SunRidge Farms comes in!

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Visit SunRidge Farms in booth 2787 at the Natural Products Expo West March 11-13

SunRidge Farms offers the most

unique and delicious natural and organic candies, nuts, dried fruit,

trail mixes,snacks, granolas and more. We offer over 1,000 items in bulk

packs, as well as bags, tubs, and our new HealthyGO single serve option. Creative and

exciting new SunRidge Farms products are continually introduced. Among

the new items this year are Chai Vanilla Almonds and Raisins, Dark

Chocolate Red Tart Cherries, and Rainbow Drops. Please visit our booth

to try our delicious new products!

We are in booth 2787 in the main hall of the Anaheim Convention Center. For a map to our location, click this link –,331

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CFS (Center for Food Safety) challenging FDA approval of GMO Alfalfa

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Politicians make way for Syngenta GMO corn to be planted this spring

On the heels of significant financial contributions by Syngenta, a Swiss based bio/ag corporation, to high ranking officials in the US House of Representatives Agricultural Committee, the USDA has removed restrictions allowing genetically modified (GMO) corn seed to be planted in the upcoming spring.  Details on the money spent by Syngenta can be found here at this link,   .


SunRidge Farms, Inc. diligently works to source raw materials that are non-GMO and makes every effort to produce products that are GMO free.  Please visit the non GMO project at, to learn more about the concerns that GMO products are generating.

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SunRidge Farms announces Solar Expansion

SunRidge Farms is pleased to announce that we are moving from a 99kW Solar Panel System to Estimated 500kW Solar Energy Production System.  Construction will begin in the spring of 2011.  When completed, SunRidge Farms will be removing over one million pounds of carbon emissions annually from the environment.  Check back often for updates on the progress of construction.

SunRidge Farms is committed to providing healthier foods and a healthier environment.   When you buy SunRidge Farms’ products, you are sharing in that commitment and we appreciate your support.

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